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The weekend had started that next morning, Logan went to Janus' room.. if you could call it that. He gave him some water and food before sitting down.

"I have a question for you, Janus." Logan hummed grabbing a chair and moving closer to him. Janus stayed quiet as he looked up at him.
"Has Remus ever mentioned a crush?"
"Why?" Janus hummed, not wanting any part in whatever Logan was thinking.

"Just tell me and I'll let you leave, but if you say anything to anyone you are dead." He hummed, glaring at him.
"Oh.. uh there's a couple." Janus hummed, figuring that making it out of this would be worth more than a couple of peers' lives. He knew Remus would be heart broken yet shoved those feelings away as he spoke.

"Thank you Janus, you have made a great accomplice." Logan smirked and left the room after untying him.
"I'm not an accomplice to you." Janus glared, hating that idea.
"Oh but you are, you've helped me get the information I need to kill them. I appreciate it, truly." Logan hummed, pulling Janus out of the house.

"But I'm not! You're forcing me to do this!" Janus sighed.
"Im not forcing anyone, you had the choice to tell me, and you did."
"I'm not lying, you could still be in that room right now but I've let you go. You can just walk away." Logan hummed.

"You.. fine." Janus sighed and just left while he could. Logan went back inside, writing down the peoples name and address before cleaning up a bit.

One name, that was all he got. But the one was enough. Logan began to prepare, a strategy, what time and what to use.

People are more sensitive to noise at night, so he'd have to be silent. Sneaking in would be difficult, depending on what the house were like. And failure would lead to a life sentence in prison.


Logan had jumped the fence to the soon-to-be- victims house. He had a quick look around the house before going to the back door. He stayed quiet as he picked the lock, listening for any movement inside.

When he unlocked it - and heard no noise from inside - he opened the door. Logan got into the house, being careful to not step on any creaky floor boards. He tiptoed around the house, staying light on his feet as he searched for the house owner.

He got into the hall way after a bit, slowly opening doors and looking in. He moved to the next door, slowly opening it and quickly flashing the flashlight along the floor - as he had done with the other rooms. He saw the bed frame and crept inside, leaving the door open.

He snuck up to the sleeping figure, pulling out a knife before grabbing a hand towel. Logan rolled the hand towel up and stuck it in the man's mouth. He had to admit, the man was good looking yet that didn't stop what he was doing.

He pulled out the switch blade he brought, and slit his neck. Cutting any arteries and veins. The hand towel worked as a gag, the man was apparently a light sleeper and woke up when he heard the knife flick open.

Logan locked eyes with the man as he cut him, watching him bleed out. He shut the knife and put it away, back tracking his steps out of the house, finding a cat laying on the couch. He just left the house, shutting and locking the door again. He jumped the fence again and went home.

Once home he cleaned up, taking the clothes off and throwing them in a bag before getting in the shower. He just stood under the water, this becoming the routine.

He got out after awhile, drying off and getting dressed. He threw the bag of clothes away, covering it with other trash before going inside. He crossed the name off and went to bed.

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