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Remus had gotten a lot closer to Logan, hanging around him more.
"Logan!! Come with me!" Remus smiled grabbing Logan and dragging him off of the college grounds after class.
"Remus? What do you want?" Logan sighed after being dragged just past the grounds.
"I know your secret." Remus smirked.
"What is my secret?" Logan hummed, getting a bit worried.
"That you like me~" Remus smirked as he teased him.

"What? How did you come to that conclusion?" Logan hummed.
"Janus." Remus hummed, "and I like you too."
Logan was mad at Janus before he processed the whole sentence.
"You like me?" Logan muttered.
"Mhm! Y'know I've been killing for you too."
"I know. I heard."
"I didn't expect it to be you y'know? Like the other killer I mean. I didn't think you would actually kill people." Remus smirked.

"Well, being neat and clean is easiest. No risk of people noticing quickly. Although blood is difficult to get out of clothing." He hummed.
"Yeah, but it's not the worst thing. Anyway, Janus has been acting kinda strange since I found out."
"How?" Logan hummed.
"well he didn't want to leave his house I guess." Remus sighed, "he's just being weird. Can you talk to him?"

"Sure, I'll talk to him." Logan hummed, "I'll come to your house when I'm done."
"Alright, just don't kill him!" Remus hummed, joking around a bit.
Logan just ignored him and went to Janus' house.
He knocked on the door. After a moment Janus answered the door.

"Logan. Hi." Janus sighed.
"Why did you tell him?" Logan hummed, leaning against the wall next to the door.
"He has security cameras. I hinted at me being followed and he just checked the cameras. He found out it was you that way."
"Right.. but why did you tell him?" Logan sighed.
"I don't know. I guess I wasn't thinking." Janus sighed.

"Okay.. we'll you 'got me the guy' so thank you."Logan hummed before turning to leave.
"Oh, you're welcome?" Janus was confused to say the least. 

Logan sighed and went to remus' house, knocking on the door.
"It's open!" Remus hummed calling from somewhere inside.
He entered the house, sighing at the lack of security.
"Remus? Where are you?" Logan sighed sitting on the couch.
"Oh Logan! Give me a minute."

A few minutes passed and Remus came downstairs.
"So, you have cameras huh?" Logan smiled.
"Yeah." Remus smiled, sitting next to him. "Wanted to be able to people watch in bed"
Logan smiled, the thought of Remus doing that showing up in his head.
"You don't smile often y'know? But when you do it's pretty." Remus smiled at Logan.
"Oh? Am I smiling?"

Remus just nodded.
"Ah well, thank you." Logan hummed as he got a bit flushed, not used to compliments.
"Y'know what? We should date." Remus hummed, slightly leaning against him.
"I mean we both like each other." He cut himself off with a loud gasp, "We could be the killing couple!!" Remus smiled and turned back to Logan, a hand on his shoulder and knee as he spoke.

"If we continue to murder people of course." Logan hummed.
"I probably will, it's fun!! The adrenaline is nice!" Remus smiled.
"Haven't you had enough run-ins with the police? Do you want to have more?" Logan sighed.

"How about you teach me how to be neat? Leave no evidence that it was me." Remus smiled.
"I don't think that would be very smart, I'm pretty sure that by now you are their first suspect." Logan sighed.
"Fine, I'll stop."

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