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The next Monday came and went, then Tuesday came, and then quickly went. Then Wednesday afternoon. Logan had a lot of classes with the person he murdered, their schedules overlapped often.

"Has anyone seen Jacob?" The Professor asked, the college had been locking down on absences after the higher count of deaths. A variety of 'no's and substitutes for the word answered the question.
"Alright.. I'll have to call the police or something later." They sighed before beginning the lesson.


Logan got home that evening and cleaned up a bit, happy that the trash got collected the day before. By the time he sat down to eat dinner and read there was a knock on his door. He got confused and got up, going to the door and opening it.

He was met with police officers.
"Good evening officers." Logan hummed.
"Good evening sir, we're investigating a recent murder of a college student. Do you mind if we have a look around?" One of the officers smiled at him.
"Of course." He stepped aside and let the officers in before going back to eat. He was really glad in that moment he had changed the basement door into a hidden door.

He let the officers look around as he ate, answering any questions they had. The officers left after a while and Logan went to bed.


Remus had been kicked out of his house over night for the police officers to look around. He had already been put down as a potential suspect because of the blood in the shower. Now however, he was figuring out where he could go. He first thought Logan's house but that could be awkward, se he just showed up at Janus'.

"Hmm? Oh Remus, what're you doing here?" Janus hummed, leaning against the doorframe.
"I need a place to stay for the night, the police kicked me out." Remus sighed, explaining.
"Ah, make yourself comfortable on the couch." Janus smiled and let him in.

Somehow Remus hadn't noticed the police car in the driveway as he got comfortable on the couch. He only noticed when they were leaving, both officers saying goodbye to him and Janus as they left.

"You got kicked out? Why?" Janus hummed after locking the door.
"I have no idea, but apparently I'm on their list or something." Remus huffed.
"Huh? How!? What did you do Remus?" Janus sighed and sat next to him.
"Nothing important." Remus sighed, slouching in his seat.

"Remus. If you killed someone I'm not going to bail you out." Janus sighed, crossing his arms. Remus just stayed quiet, wanting to tell him.
"I did something stupid. And I may or may not have let the intrusive thoughts win."
"What did you do." Janus sounded both mad and worried at the same time.

"I may have killed a couple of people..."

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