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A nice little wholesome date :)


The weekend came rather quick, Logan packed an overnight bag and a change of clothes. He grabbed anything else he might need before going to his car, putting his bags in the back seat before driving to remus' house. He parked, grabbed his bags and went to the door.

Remus opened it with a smile. "Lo! Come in come in, I'm just preparing for our picnic diner tonight."
Logan smiled and followed him inside, leaving his bags by the door.

"What are you thinking?" Logan smiled, joining Remus in the kitchen.
"Either take out and a nice dessert or some thing small but nice." Remus hummed. He always did this with dates, going all out depending on his partners mood and trying to impress them.
"Honestly, I think the takeout would be smarter. Wouldn't have to worry about the food getting ruined on the way there."

"Yeah, wouldn't have to worry about keeping it warm for so long either..." Remus hummed, "takeout it is! Let me go finish packing!" He smiled and ran off to his room, coming back after a few minutes with his bags.

"Who's car are we taking?" Logan hummed, picking up his bags.
"Mine." Remus hummed, grabbing his keys and unlocking his car. Logan just nodded and opened the boot of the other males car, putting his bags inside while Remus locked the house.

Once both of them were in the car and all the bags were in the boot they started the drive.


The drive wasn't too long but long enough for it to make sense why they were staying at a motel over night. It was already pretty late when they were going through a drive though, ordering their meals and driving to a park. Once parked Logan grabbed the food after slinging a picnic blanket over his shoulder.

They walked for a little while before stopping and setting up a spot, laying the blanket down and sitting down. Remus hummed, leaning against Logan as he pulled out his phone.
"Wanna listen to music?" Remus smiled.
"Sure." Logan smiled right back as Remus put on some music, putting his iPhone down and letting the music just surround them.

It was peaceful, a nighttime picnic with stars overhead and music playing. Logan just began eating, Remus doing the same. They finished eating relatively quickly and put the trash back in the bag before laying back.

"Y'know, we barely know anything about each other." Remus hummed, laying half on him.
"You're right, what do you want to know?" Logan hummed. They spent a few hours just talking, telling each other about their lives and their interests.


Around midnight they headed to a motel, Logan getting a room and grabbing the bags while Remus looks around. Remus hummed and ran back to Logan to help with the bags. Once inside the room Remus jumped into a bed. For a motel they had pretty good ratings, 3 1/2 stars with plenty of 4 star reviews. Logan still checked the beds for any bugs or anything first, before kicking off his shoes.

"I'm gonna go shower." Logan hummed, going over to his bag.
"Hold on! How about a midnight swim first!" Remus hummed, smiling wide at him.
"Y'know what? That actually kind of sounds nice. But I didn't bring a swimsuit."

"That's fine! Just use your underwear." Remus smirked at homes before grabbing his wrist.
"Let me grab a couple of towels then." Logan smiled, grabbing one of the motel provided towels from the bathroom. Remus smiled and grabbed his arm, yanking him out of the room.

"Remus!" Logan gasped, fumbling to grab the key-ring on his way out of the door. He had to pull his hand back to grab the key, shut and lock the door. Remus hummed and just grabbed his arm again, dragging him to the pool. Logan just sighed, unlocking the gate with the other key on the ring before kicking off his shoes.

Remus chuckled and had started to strip. Logan just sighed, stuffing his socks inside his shoes and pulling his clothes off, folding them and putting them on his shoes when he was done. He set the towel down over the pile. Logan kept his underwear on before sitting on the edge of the pool.

"Canon ball!" Remus shouted before jumping in, barely resembling a ball before he splashed Logan.
"That was not a ball." Logan sighed when Remus popped back up.
"I'd like to see you try and make a ball with your body then!" Remus chuckled.
"I'm good." Logan sighed and slid into the water, the same way a swimming instructor would teach their students.

"You're such a bore." Remus groaned, chuckling at him before splashing him. Logan just rolled his eyes and swam away from the edge, rolling back to float on his back.
"How are you so fit? I thought you'd be scrawny." Remus shrugged.
"I do workout, how do you think I'd be able to wrestle people off me incase they fought back?" Logan hummed, staring at the sky.

"True. Anyway this is nice." Remus hummed, joining him on his back, completely exposing himself as he had stripped entirely. Logan just nodded, glancing over at him for a second before going back to an upright position.

"Wow, nude on the first date aye?" Logan chuckled.
"Yeah, I mean I figured that if you were uncomfortable with it you could ask me to put something on." Remus hummed, doing the same as Logan.

"You know, you're not as strange as people have said Remus." Logan smiled.
"Really?" Remus hummed, somehow shocked.
"Yes, people make you out to be a horrible person, but you're really not." Logan just smiled at him.

Remus blushed at his words, not used to being complimented he didn't know how to react so he just stammered as he searched for an answer.
"I see we both don't handle compliments well." Logan smiled, noticing Remus' stammering. 
"I want to do something." Remus Hummed.
"What do you want to do?" Logan hummed, swimming over to the side so he could hold himself up as they talked. Remus joined him over at the wall.

"Kiss you. Can I?" Remus muttered resting on the wall as well. Now it was Logan's turn to be lost for words.
"Uh.. sure." Logan just bit his lip. Remus smiled and connected their lips. Logan hummed into it and just leaned into it, fighting over dominance. Eventually Remus won and moved them so he was pushing Logan against the wall.

Logan pulled back after a few minutes, looking around and locking eyes with a camera.
"Shit." He froze up, staring at the camera before climbing out of the water and wrapping a towel around his waist.
"Huh?" Remus hummed, looking around and looking back at Logan when he didnt see anyone.
"There's a camera." Logan sighed, hiding his face in his hands.

"Oh. Do you not like being watched?" Remus hummed getting out as well.
"I just don't like doing romantic things in public. PDA isn't my thing. I was fine with it until I noticed the camera." Logan sighed, handing him a towel.
"That's okay Lo, we don't have to do anything in public, wanna go back to the room?" Remus hummed, noticing the embarrassed energy coming from Logan.

He just nodded in response, getting up and grabbing his clothes before following Remus back to the room.

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