I did not expect that*-*

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Adrian POV
~after school ~
"Okay who is mad at Lila." I asked Marinette raised her hand. "Dude why you guys mad at Lila" Nino asked. "Trust me everything will make sense later" I responded with. "But I also agree with Marinette. She just can't take credit for other people hard work and make other people seem like they're terrible human being ". "You both seem to be really pissed off" Julia stated. We walked a bit longer and we finally arrived at the field that is hosting the miraculous circus. When we arrive marinate aunt came to say hello. "Hello and welcome to the circus she said. Hi my name is Tiki and Adrian Marinette you guys to be practicing in your performance"." Dudes what is she talking about "Nina  asked. O"h this is my aunt me and Adrian are the trapeze artist ladybug and Catnoir" Mari answered" . Oh that explains why you guys are so pissed .... and can we see your practice" Julia asked "sure" we said. 

~ time skip after practice~
"Bro you guys are amazing" Nino said "I have to agree with Nino on this one" Julia responded with." So you guys saw our practice you  want to help us get revenge on Lila" Marinette asked. ?"Sure" they both said. "Is there anything we need to know "Nino asked "well both me and Marinette got hour parents agreed to let us join the circus full time so after the last performance in 2 weeks we won't be coming to school anymore" I told them "I understand why but still it hurts to know" Julia said yeah do you think me and Julia could help join the circus during the summer breaks I mean not" doing stuff like you guys just did but like be clowns or helped out" Nino asked excitedly  "I'll have to ask my aunt and uncle and you guys have to ask your parents but maybe" Marinette told them. "Can't get  wait to know and I have an idea" Nino said "what's the idea" both me and Marinette said at the  same time. He started to tell us his idea.

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