a video and revenge

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Julika POV
A little bit after I arrived for class, people started to notice Adrian wasn't here. How did they haven't noticed that Marionette isn't here? I don't know. Does anybody know where Adrian Alex asked. No, everybody responded with. Hey Lila, what's with the long face Kim asked? I couldn't record a video for Adrian for cuz he couldn't make it. Maybe somebody else recorded a video and posted on YouTube Mat pointed out. All right class settle down after all. I have to show you a video, and I'm excited about this Google meeting. Missed bustier said. A lot of students started muttering because they forgot over the weekend. Missed booster set up the Google meet, of course they haven't realized, is an actual Google meet. She gave a thumbs up to the camera in the video started. So ladybug and cat noir AK Marinette and Adrian. Hey guys, I'm Lady Buggy, and I'm cat noir they introduced themselves. Oh, by the way, only your class is watching this video. Because one of your classmates took credit for my work, Ladybug said. Also made me look like a complete that bad person Adrian said. The class that I'm muttering about what they are talking about I really stayed upset come on guys they're just lying there's no way area would Lila would do such a thing. She said so the video continues to play, so we're going to tell you who we actually are Marinette said. And if you don't believe us, you can always do your own research. Okay, no more pointed out. So they both took off their masks to reveal Marinette and Adrian. The video stopped. The entire class was in Surprise. There's no way those two are trapeze artist Allie, yes dated. This then, their faces showed up on the board again, "said Bye, yes, we are Alia Adrian said. We've been doing this since we were eight. Marinette pointed out now that choosing another person of line without any proof isn't exactly make a good reporter. Does it Aaliyah now does it, Adrian said. And Lila, guess what? You're in a whole lot of legal trouble because you pretended to be someone you're not. Oh, and by the way Lila I talked, I got in contact with your mom she said you have to pay for your own lawyer. Just then, her mom put on the screen she's right, Lila. I can't believe you did such a thing. Eliza started to cry, and of course, most of the class didn't believe them. Oh, remember what Adrian said in the video? If you don't believe this, do your research about it.

~time skip to tomorrow~
Needless to say, Lila was in deep troubles. All the classes kept on staring, I mean at her, and they all look pretty pissed off. I can't believe you will lie to us, Alex said. I did some research marinette's appearance aligned better with ladybugs' appearance than yours Max said. I just couldn't believe our classmates were Grace, and we treated them really badly, alias said. Speaking of them, where are they roast asked. Oh, you didn't hear they're no longer coming to the school they're being homeschooled, so I committed full time to the circus Nino said. And by the way Alia the reason I broke up with you because you're only talking about Lila and some most of our dates Lila joining it made me think like I was a third real so it's the reason I the reason I broke of you was because of you he stated. She now started breaking down, which I think she completely deserved. They already decided to attempt to connect to them to apologize. Too bad they're about to realize that they're blocked on everything, so they couldn't even reach them.

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