the days until the field trip part 3

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Julika POV
Another very long day of school just ended. We started to head to the circus. Marinette told us that our aunt and uncle read for us to join the circus during summer breaks so long as we get our parents' permission. Fluff has actually been teaching me how to be a fortune teller. I find it very interesting, and I honestly love it. Why now I'm learning how to work with Torah cards. After I started heading home from the miraculous circus, my twin brother Luke could pick me up. Hey, what's you been up to for the past couple of days. Two of my friends are trapeze artists at a circus show me, and Nino has been helping out  also I've been learning how to be a fortune teller. I said well you've been busy he said with a surprise face. You should tell Mom about this he said I'm going to. I'm also going to ask her a question." When we got home from the boat. Why don't you tell me what's been going on in your life, my mom asked me. Well, one of my classmates named Lila has been taking credit for marinette's work as a trapeze artist. He's been bad-mouthing, Adrian, and she doesn't even realize it. Yikes, I'm sure she's going to get what's coming to her Luke said. She is in about a week because Nina's came out with a plane and I told them. Oh, also, I've been helping out at the miraculous circus and learning how to be a fortune teller. Marinate aunt and uncle own the place, and they said if I get your permission mom, I can help out during summer breaks. I told them that's my girl, my mom said. So, do you think you can predict my future? My mom asked. I'm not that good, yet I only started learning a little bit ago. So, how long exactly until Lila gets what's coming? Luke asked exactly a week and one day. I said so it's happening next Friday mom do you think we can go cuz I want to see what's happening my brother asked I don't see what's wrong with it I also want to meet some of these people there and about helping out during your semi breaks I just want to meet some people there and then I'll decide she said.

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