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Gui Xian leaned his head against the car window. He stared blankly at the street where the lights were twinkling. Hiz face was puffy from crying too long.

Drrrtt drrrt

He flinched when he felt his phone vibrate in his hand. His brow furrowed when he saw the contact listed.

"Zhan Zhan," he muttered then slid the green button. When he was about to say hello, how surprised he was when he heard a scream from the other side.

"Anyone... sob... help me!"

"Zhan Zhan! Did you hear me!" Gui Xian shouted for Xiao Zhan. But he didn't hear a reply, all he could hear was a cry from the other side.

"SHUT UP AND SERVE ME!" There was a scream from the other side.

"Wang Dalu!" Gui Xian snapped back with a rekindled rage. "Turn around, take me to this address, faster!" Gui Xian said to the taxi driver.

"Yes sir," said the driver then turned around.

"Stupid Wang Dalu! I never raised you to be a jerk like this!" Gui Xian angered with tightly clenched fists.




Meanwhile, Yibo drove his car towards Dalu's house. Even though Xiao Zhan had forbidden it. However, he still ignored it because he wanted to explain about Xiao Zhan's prejudice.

He didn't want this misunderstanding to continue and his relationship with Xiao Zhan only got worse. He stepped on the gas the faster the car accelerated.

For now, Yibo felt restlessness eating at him. For some reason, currently feeling missing Xiao Zhan so much made him want to meet the young man immediately. He accelerated the speed of his car through the deserted street.




In Xiao Zhan's room. It was such a sad sight. Where Xiao Zhan's hand waved at Dalu indicating for the man to stop beating him. The pajama clothes that his wife had been wearing are no longer worthy. All that's left is just the pants that cover the bottom.

Xiao Zhan's back and stomach had red and elongated marks from Dalu hitting him with the man's belt. There were bruises on several parts of his body.

The beautiful face now looks messy with the corners of his lips bleeding and his cheeks red from Dalu's slap.

"Stop...sob...don't do this again...sob...it hurts...sob...sorry...," Xiao Zhan backed away when he saw Dalu approaching him.

"OBEY ME OR I WILL HIT YOU AGAIN!!!" Dalu snapped as he looked at Xiao Zhan with a sharp gaze.


"Arrrgggghhhh!!!" Xiao Zhan's body curled up as the belt landed on his back again.

"Please stop, sob... don't... hit... sob... again... sob...," Xiao Zhan sobbed as he shook his head hard.




The car driven by Yibo entered Dalu-Zhan's yard. He got out of his car in a hurry when he saw the main door wide open. Especially with the lights that are not turned on, it makes his worry even more peaked.

"Zhan Zhan," he muttered then immediately ran inside. "Xiao..." Yibo's call was interrupted when he heard a scream.

"Aaarrrggggghh!!!" The sound of screaming coming from the floor made Yibo flinch.

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