Confession of an Old Friend

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A few days passed, and Alisa was gradually recovering. During her recuperation, Ajax attended to her needs. Unknowingly to them, a spark began to ignite between the two. On one occasion, as Alisa was about to step out for a walk, she accidentally collided with Ajax. This unexpected encounter caused both of them to blush and chuckle nervously. Could this be the sensation of falling in love? The thought crossed their minds.

Walking through Liyue Harbor, Alisa noticed empty stalls being set up near the entrance, accompanied by an array of lanterns. She asked Ajax about their purpose. Ajax explained that the Lantern Rite was approaching, elaborating on the significance of the event. Alisa listened attentively, intermittently posing questions to deepen her understanding of the tradition.

Their conversation flowed on until noon. Ajax then treated Alisa to some Jade Parcels at Wanmin Restaurant. Amid their meal, Alisa's thoughts drifted to the boy she had encountered on her way to Liyue. Observing her pensive demeanor, Ajax asked if something was wrong. Alisa eventually confided in Ajax, revealing her uneasy feelings that besides the Fatui, other individuals might be pursuing her. In response, Ajax took her hand, promising to protect her from harm as long as he was by her side.

After their lunch, they parted ways. Alisa strolled, observing the preparations for the upcoming Lantern Rite festival. Suddenly, she felt a hand grasp hers. To her astonishment, it was Aether.

"Hey! I still don't know your name. You also owe me an explanation about your vision," Aether asserted, holding Alisa's wrist firmly.

Alisa freed her wrist from Aether's grip and swiftly retreated, blending into the bustling crowds of Liyue Harbor. Once more, Alisa departed without clarifying the mystery of her two visions. Despite her curiosity about the festival, Alisa decided to return to Wangshu Inn.

Upon reaching her room, she found a lantern accompanied by a note instructing her to bring it later during the peak of the Lantern Rite celebration.

Finally, on the day of the festival's climax, Ajax arrives to pick up Alisa. They ascended Mt. Tianheng, having a small picnic and inscribing their wishes on a xiao lantern they had brought along. As dusk settled, the sky transformed into a canvas of darkness adorned with ascending lanterns. In unison, they released their lantern adorned with their wishes.

The sight was breathtaking. Just as they thought it couldn't get better, a burst of fireworks painted the night sky. Ajax turned his gaze towards Alisa. For the first time, Ajax is enjoying the beauty of his friend. For Ajax Alisa is more than a friend. She's the love of his life. Ajax draws her close. In silence, he pressed a tender kiss to her lips. Alisa was taken aback, yet she did not pull away. After a timeless moment, Ajax gently withdrew.

Alisa met Ajax's blue eyes. The realization dawned on her that this man was no longer just her childhood friend. She was certain that Ajax was destined to be her life partner. Her heart raced, cheeks flushed with warmth. Alisa then planted another soft kiss on Ajax's cheek.

"I love you, Ajax," Alisa whispered.

"I love you even more, my love," Ajax replied, his voice a whisper.

Underneath the canvas of fireworks, they shared a kiss, their surroundings fading into insignificance. The moment felt magical as if time itself had paused for their affection to flourish.

And there, under the radiant night sky, they kissed, caring not for the world around them. The enchantment of the moment enveloped them, and both secretly wished that this day would never come to an end.

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