The Sudden Execution

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Before Ajax returned home, he visited Andrei's place. Night had fallen, and through the window, he spotted Andrei, looking concerned as he held the paper that had mistakenly ended up with him.

"Ajax, is there something I can assist you with?" a voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Belova. I was actually about to go talk with Andrei" Ajax nervously replied.

Mr. Belova entered the house without a word and beckoned for Andrei to come out. As Andrei approached Ajax, Ajax's nerves only grew.

"Are you part of the Fatui Harbingers? Are you out of your mind, Ajax?" Andrei's voice raised as he confronted him.

"Listen, I can explain, but first, where's your sister? She needs to be hidden," Ajax urged Andrei.

"What mess have you dragged my family into, Ajax? What have you done?" Andrei impatiently demanded.

Just as Ajax was about to explain further, a Fatui Agent appeared before them.

"Sir, is this the suspect who stole our confidential documents?" one of the agents inquired.

"Stole? You told your comrades that I stole your ridiculous documents?" Andrei's voice grew even louder.

With no other choice, Ajax lunged at Andrei, initiating a fight. Mr. Belova, witnessing the fight, swiftly resorted to a lie. He instructed Alisa to run some errands, using this ruse as a means to shield his beloved daughter from harm. Oblivious to the lurking danger just outside her home, Alisa obediently followed her father's directive. As Mr. Belova moved toward the front of the house, he was apprehended by another agent.

In the end, Ajax also arrested Andrei.

"Well, well, Childe, who do we have here?" Pierro's voice emerged as he appeared behind the agent.

"Captain, this adventurer stole our documents, and I apprehended his father as well," Ajax falsely claimed.

This lie shocked both Andrei and his father. They couldn't believe their ears as Ajax accused them of a crime they didn't commit. Pierro then commanded the other Fatui Agents to search the house thoroughly, making sure no one else was present, and to seize the documents. Upon inspection, the agents emerged with a picture frame and the papers.

"What's this? Another family member? Where is she?" Pierro inquired.

Both Andrei and his father remained silent, protecting Alisa's whereabouts.

"Take them to Rosalyne's mausoleum," Pierro ordered.

"And Childe," Pierro called, unsheathing his blade.

Pierro's blade sliced Andrei's neck, and he collapsed immediately.

"I suspect they've sent their precious girl outside of Snezhnaya. Return to your post and inform everyone about this girl. If they encounter her, they are to eliminate her," Pierro instructed.

"No! My Alisa!" were Mr. Belova's final words.

"Her name is Alisa. Ensure everyone is aware," Pierro declared before killing Andrei and Alisa's father.

The Fatui agents hastily erased any traces of the murder. They disposed of the bloodied snow and replaced it with fresh snow, ensuring no evidence remained. They carried away Andrei and his father's bodies, careful not to stain the snow.

After Pierro and the others departed, Ajax fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

"What have I done?" Ajax's voice trembled.

Ajax returned home, packed his belongings, and prepared to leave for Liyue. Before departing, he clandestinely went to Alisa's empty home. He observed Alisa entering her vacant house. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary as she ascended to her room on the second floor. Part of him wished to knock on her door and warn her to flee, yet he chose to leave without doing so.

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