The Battle

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The following morning she arrived, accompanied by a faint knock that reached Alisa's ears. She swung open her door to find the receptionist woman standing there, announcing that a guest awaited her in the dining area. With eager anticipation, Alisa swiftly changed from her pajamas into her usual attire before heading to the dining area. Yet, the sight that greeted her was far from what she had expected.

Aether raised his hand, signaling Alisa to his table. She sighed, her eyes rolling before she reluctantly approached him. Aether had ordered almond tofu and extended a portion to Alisa, who accepted it and took a bite.

"What do you want?" Alisa inquired, slicing another piece of her almond tofu.

"I understand that you don't trust me, but please give me a chance to explain," Aether implored.

With a sigh, Alisa nodded, prompting Aether to recount the events at the Golden House and Ajax's summoning of Osial to destroy Liyue Harbor. Alisa listened intently. Although her instincts resisted, a part of her couldn't help but consider that Aether might be telling the truth. Despite this, she still grappled with the notion that Ajax could be capable of using a Delusion and even Foul Legacy. Her heart said to her that Ajax couldn't be causing any harm, yet doubts lingered.

Soon, Ajax appeared in the distance, prompting Alisa to abruptly leave Aether behind. She rushed to Ajax's side, spotting his bow and arrow.

"Are we going hunting?" Alisa playfully asks, nodding toward the weapon.

"Good morning, love. No hunting today. I was thinking of a little spar," Ajax clarified.

Without any question, Alisa retrieved her sheathed claymore from her room, and Ajax, seemingly lost in thought, started walking. Alisa trailed behind, their silence punctuated by Aether's story echoing in her mind.

When noon sets, the couple has arrived at Mt. Aocang when abruptly, an arrow whizzed toward Alisa's face. Reacting swiftly, Alisa shielded herself with her massive blade. As she surveyed her surroundings, she realized Ajax was no longer by her side. Gripping her weapon, she cautiously moved forward in search of him.

"Ajax? Is the spar beginning?" Alisa called out.

Another arrow narrowly missed her, and Alisa managed to evade it. Unease crept in as she tightened her grip on her claymore. Was Ajax attempting to harm her? Hadn't he proposed to her just last night? A name resonated in her memory—Ajax had used it before.

"Tartaglia! Reveal yourself!" Alisa's voice resounded.

In an instant, Ajax emerged, poised to strike. Alisa deftly dodged, and the ensuing confrontation escalated into a fierce battle.

"How do you know that name? You're not supposed to!" Ajax's voice betrayed a mix of panic and surprise.

The intensity of their clash increased. Ajax realized that Alisa was unyielding, her resolve unwavering. Ajax transformed with his delusion, and finally, he marked the final phase—Foul Legacy. Yet, Alisa, still in her defense, considers escaping.

She made a protective wall, only for Ajax to shatter it. She hurled electric bombs, only for them to be stepped. Her blade swung at Ajax, but he seemed impervious.

"Ajax! Please, talk to me! I'm begging you!" Alisa ordered, tears gathering in her eyes.

Ajax, still not responding, launched a series of attacks, each evaded by Alisa. Despite her exhaustion, she fought for her life. Ajax's silence gnawed at her, amplifying her desperation.

"Ajax? Tartaglia? Childe? Whoever you are! Tell me! What are you hiding?" Alisa's plea reverberated.

Suddenly, the revelation struck. "You asked me about your father and Andrei. I'm here to tell you that they're dead! Pierro executed them!" Ajax's voice shattered the air.

Stunned, Alisa's guard faltered momentarily, causing Ajax to exploit the opportunity. She found herself teetering on the edge of a cliff, and with a crushing impact, she plummeted, landing on solid ground with broken legs and a dislocated shoulder. Despite her injuries, her will to fight persisted.

"You're lying! They didn't commit any crimes! How can they be executed?!" Alisa screamed, consumed by anger.

Ajax, without reply, poised to strike once more. Alisa continued to evade his attacks, her determination unyielding. Breathless and battered, she fought to remain conscious.

"But it is the truth. I'm here to fulfill my duty as the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger. To kill you Alisa Belova," Ajax yelled attacking Alisa.

As Alisa swung her heavy blade, searing pain erupted in her abdomen. Sensing her vulnerability, Ajax seized the moment, delivering a fatal blow. Alisa fell to the ground, her strength ebbing.

Ajax kicked her, then leveled her blade at her. Tears welled in his eyes as he gazed upon the love of his life. Trembling, he returned to his proper form.

"I didn't know that he would kill them in front of my eyes. I didn't know what to do," Ajax explained, his voice laced with tears.

"Then, do your duty." Alisa's voice, tinged with pain, uttered.

"I'm sorry. I truly love you Alisa Belova. But I don't know if I want to kill you. I can't do it," Ajax's voice quivered.

"Do it, love" Alisa says with a weak smile.

Ajax gathered his courage, raising the blade, but before he could deliver the final blow, an imposing figure intervened, stopping Ajax from murdering Alisa. With no further words but tears, Ajax departed, leaving Alisa behind.

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