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February 22nd 2022
a date that i don't think i can forget
the day i was with you
in your car

a date that changed my future
still pondering if it was good
or if it was bad
but a definite change for sure

i know you don't remember it the way i do
you don't remember the words spoken
or the touches given to each other
the nerve racking eye contact

but i do

i remember you lifting me up
i remember the words you said to me
the sweet things you spoke
all in favour of my love and attention

what happened to that?
was it me?
did i do something so terrible?
why did it all stop?

it's slowly become obvious
that you don't like me anymore
that i'm just an option to you
someone who's there when you need it

but why would you do everything you did
if you stopped liking me
why would you hold me like that
why would you touch me like that
why would you talk to me like that

nothing made sense
and maybe it's not mine to understand
but yours to merely explain
hopefully sooner than later

i wish i could go back
to february 22nd
to relive the moment that changed my life
and keep reliving it.

but the past must stay there
and i must look forwards to the future
even when it seems uncertain.

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