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i can do things on my own now

without help from you or anyone else

i can cut my own meat

i can braid my own hair

i can fix things myself

i can build things on my own

but theres still a part of me

that wishes you could do it for me

that wishes i didnt have to do everything for myself again

you taught me things

things i will never forget how to do

and thats bittersweet

because i still cant finish my fries

the small cripsy ones still remind me of you

i still eat them the way you showed me that one time

in a mcdonalds parking lot

because i still cant hold my knife properly

and god only knows the struggle it takes

to not turn that damn thing around on myself

it takes everything in me to not pause

and remember you

because i still struggle knowing which screwdriver to use

you always knew i got confused by the names

so youd always call them by the shape

because i still get that little bump in my braids

no matter how many times i try

to redo them over and over

i still cant get them as perfect as you could

because i still put things together backwards

having to start all over again

because no matter what i do on my own

i remember how we did it together

and although its not long

maybe for a split second

i remember you

but thats enough to try harder for myself

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