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i am not easy to love
i'm messy
and heartless
and a disaster waiting to happen

i am not easy to help
i'm stubborn
and pushy
and think with my heart

i am not easy to fall for
i push you away
i self sabotage everything
i pick apart small things

but you managed to love me.
to help me
to fall for me

i'm still messy
i'm still stubborn
i still push you away

but with every wrong i give you
everything i do to hurt you and i
definitely not on purpose
you still stick around

you remind me im worth love
you remind me im worth help
you remind me im worth falling for

you make me feel not so insane
that im not a problem
you've set your life out to solve

that i can do it
and im capable of doing it
even when i feel i cant

that i am loveable
that when you look at me
you see all the good in my heart

i hope and pray
i do the same for you

you are loveable. you are easy to help. i adore how hard i fell for you.

you came into my life for a reason
and i will
and i promise
i will not fuck this up

you and i
through the good and bas
the thick and thin
the easy and hard

every obstacle life has to offer us

i will be there by your side
and you'll be by mine
because that's what lovers do

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