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the weatherman

the weatherman said
it would be stormy today
i believe him when i saw
the dark clouds above
the loud jolts of thunder

i left for another town
another city near by
but the storms constantly followed me
loomed over my head
never ending

how did he know
the way i feel
how did he know the anger i felt
how did he know the hurt i felt
to cause this storm

rain smashes against the ground
such as my tears hit the tiles
my emotions felt as a whirlwind
of storms
have collided

then you appeared

the forecast changed
the rain no longer
against the ground
but merely on the grass
as morning dew

the sun came out once again
lighting up everything again
rainbows and birds and dogs
came out to play and dance

but as we all know
the weatherman isn't always right
you weren't a sunny break
you were false hope

you were a hurricane waiting to ruin
everything that we
that i
worked so hard on

you touched down
into my life
and destroyed every good thing
i ever had

i moved over and over
in hopes to forget you
to leave you behind
but you were always

and this all taught me

why hurricanes are named after people
and not places.

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