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i was asked
what love
is to me

and it took me a moment
just a small amount of time
to say your name

that's what i could muster up
that you.
you are love.

everything you give and take
everything you say and do
all those things i admire about you

the way your hair falls
when i run my fingers through it

the way your mouth curls ever so slightly
when i tell you i love you

the way you ask me how i am
completely genuine
out of the kindness of your heart

the way you look over at me
even when you're driving

the way you take care of me
even when you can't fix it all

you are the love i've dreamt of
the pure, innocent kind

someone who's always there
without any benefit to yourself
making sure i'm alright
brightening my smile
i once lost

they ask me
what is love to you
and it's you, my love
you are love.
my whole soul and being loves

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