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insane how a simple word. can trigger so many memories.
even things that may not be directly associated, but close.
how it can bring up memories that you had forgotten about.
even some you remember, but not fully.

it's so dumb how a simple little strand of letters can forum into a string of memories.
they just break you down over and over until you are nothing.
how a simple action can cause a breakdown.
how we can think of one thing, leading to hundreds more.

it's pathetic, really.
half of these thoughts are old. they haven't been around for months and months
only now to come up again, with that simple trigger.
it's confusing to deal with. it's hard to know how. how to disconnect the word from the meaning behind it.

but it's possible.
you can disconnect the word from the meaning behind it one day.
you'll be able to hear it without wanting to cry. or run away.
without being hurt.. or angry.

but until then? it's just forwards from here.
and all you can do is hope.
hope that it'll feel better soon.
hope that you will forget about all the memories.
all the bad ones that haunt you.

but then again,
this is what made you as a person.
it's who you are today, and who you will be in the future.

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