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it started as lust
hands in hands
skin on skin

the feeling of touching your body
having my hands all over you
drunken thoughts just escaping my mind
flowing out of my mouth

but that's not how it ended
it ended much more innocently

hand in hand
eyes locked in eyes
soft smiles
sleepless nights

it was enjoying movies together
going on walks in the forests
taking time
just to learn each other

it wasn't lust
it was always love
we just didn't know it yet

and truthfully, i was scared
i was scared to let someone in again
to let someone know me
with fear i may fall off the deep end
ruin every good thing we had

but you made sure it didn't happen
you are never harsh with me
you always hold softness within you
with your actions
your touch
your words
every thing you do.

and it ends with love
true love

we may have started
with skin touching skin
tearing apart each other
but now
we tear apart each other's souls
learning all the good
all the bad
all the scary parts

and i wouldn't have it any other way
you are the one i love
the one i hold close to my heart
instead of ruining the sheets
we ruin what bad the world has cost us
we build up a trust that can't be broken
a love that is once in a lifetime

and i love you.
till the day i die
and long after that
i'm so glad you exist.

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