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that's all I've been used to

being used for everything anyone could ever get from me

from support

to advice

to physically

and mentally

all I've ever been is something for others to use

to walk all over

but you knew that

didn't you?

you knew that you had me wrapped around your finger

that if you called right now

id drop everything in a heartbeat

but you knew that

didn't you?

you knew that everything somehow leads back to you

that i cant go a day without you crossing my mind

everywhere i look there's something that reminds me of you

from colours, to objects, to the way the sky looks

but you knew that

didn't you?

you knew that when you left

that i wouldn't be able to move on from this

that i would be stuck in a loop of constantly missing you

that id want to try to crawl right back to you

but you knew that

didn't you?

you see the funny thing about breakups

isn't the breakup itself

its the aftermath

how everything seems to slow down

yet go by so fast

that life seems a bit more dull

and a bit less full of life

its sad really

how you so easily can let a person go from over the moon happy

to so upset they cant even function like a normal person

but you knew what you were doing

you knew all along

that you were just wasting time

using me for whatever you pleased

and you didn't say a word

but the thing is

you don't know everything

you don't know the talks I've had with my therapist

you don't know everything I've told my friends

you don't know how I've moved on from you

you don't know how bad i want to see you fail in life

so all along

did you really know everything?

or were you just using me

playing with my mind

making me think you're worth something in this life

you were nothing but a lesson i didn't need

fuck all of your

"I'm different"

or your

"id never do that to you"

you fucking did.

and if you didn't want to be seen as a bad guy

you shouldn't have been the bad guy

because you are a terrible person for what you've done

and i will never forgive you






but you knew that

didn't you?

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