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i re read you and i
over and over again
the little moments we shared together
the happiness i felt

every time you touched me
every time you looked at me
every drive
every hello and goodbye
all the small things you did
and said

but i keep reading them over
and over
and over again
hoping that it would changed
how it ended
how you and i fell apart

everything we knew was wrong
everything we did was wrong
all that we had, was wrong

i read you and i
over and over
like a book i've read before
i'm reading it
again and again



maybe, just maybe
the ending would change

it's like your favourite book
the romantic start
to the horrific ending

it will never change
you and i
what we shared

just like the ending to a book
we will stay the same
no matter how many times
i read us

it is the same ending.

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