Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this story. These characters belong to Richelle Mead.

I was woken up by a sterile smell. A smell that could only link to the place I visited too often to be healthy. The white bed seemed to be swallowing me, and an odd tune played in the background. Beep, beep, beep, it seemed to sing. It was sickening.

A middle-aged Moroi woman walked in.

"Ah, I see you've woken up, Rose," Dr. Olendski said. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like shit," I croaked. And I did. My muscles were sore and I thought I couldn't catch a break.

"That is to be expected after what you've experienced," she said, a soft look on her face.

"Yeah, my hands didn't deserve it," I said, averting my eyes. She looked at me sympathetically before crossing her arms.

"I know about the rape, Rose. I don't know why you didn't come to me. You could have got help. Who was it?"

"I can't say."

"Oh Rose, I never wanted to see you in this position. Never. However, there's something you need to know."

A tentative look crossed her face and I swear, I saw pity fill her eyes. She sighed.

"Rose, you're expecting."

"Expecting what?" Damn, I was confused today.

"A baby, Rose," she clarified, smiling.

There were tears running down my cheeks by now. That monster had left me to bear with his devil spawn. This situation killed my dreams of ever being Lissa's guardian or someone in society as a whole. Dhampirs who had children lived in communes or sent their kids to academies, like my mom. I didn't want to send my kid to an academy – then I'd be just like her, but, on the other hand, I didn't want to live in a commune. I needed to think about my decision. 

Short chapter, I know. I feel like I accomplish more with a shorter chapter than a long one. Its starts to feel like I'm just droning on and I, personally, get bored. Each chapter is maximum 1000 words. I have completed written it and will update 4 chapters a week. Enjoy!

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