Chapter 3 A princess captured by the Ambiguous Tree

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Chapter 3

A princess captured by the Ambiguous Tree

Later that day when I got home the house was filled with the sounds of some kind of crime drama on the tv. I always tended to avoid being in the lounge room when these shows played, they kinda freak me out I guess. I walked over and placed the milk in the fridge. Dad was sitting on the lounge watching tv, he gave a nod acknowledging I was there but kinda ended there. There was slight clutter in the room from the boxes that helped set up the Christmas tree. I planned for myself to set it up once I got more decorations. For now at least I placed the decorations I bought today on top of the boxes. Placing the pink, White and blue tinsel I selected in a neat pile to use later.

I opened the door to my room, stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I walked over to my computer and turned it on. Picked up one of my plushies giving them a big hug while waiting for the computer to turn on. However the internet seemed to be down? I didn't really want to talk to dad about it and mum isn't home for a while so I needed a new plan this afternoon. I slowly walk to my closet. Inside was mostly either clothes or stuff from school. Going through old stuff can be fun but I knew what I wanted to find today. I had a camera I filmed a movie with Hunter with. A fairly old camcorder but it worked pretty well. All I could find were folders from school, photos printed out and a pet rock. Spontaneously I did find it but it was in fact behind the closet for some reason. I dragged it over with a dusty skateboard and moved to my bed to turn on the camera. The camera was a bit worn and the lense had scratch marks for some reason. I was greeted by the camcorders friendly startup sound and the tape part whirling. I watched smaller short movies for quite a while. But eventually I found the video I wanted to see most.

The video quality was okay, the camcorder seems to have been left on a log as an improvised tripod. The video was sometimes interrupted by a bird flying in front of the camera, pecking at the lens. Beyond that though, there I was. I looked pretty different back then. I sounded pretty different. But my movement and mannerisms are there. We didn't have costumes but I was holding some kind of stick as a magic wand prop. In the video I am sitting on a log yelling out "oh no, the ambiguous tree from the woods has captured me, if only a hero could save me" a younger me yelled out. Did I even know what ambiguous meant yet? Suddenly Hunter, my childhood friend jumps into frame. He swang his slightly bigger stick with an extra branch tied together to create a crossguard. "Let go of the princess, umbigus tree!" He yelled out confidently swinging his branch in circles. He then started to swing it at the tree stumps we filmed near, "Now to save the princess" He yelled out but the video seems to finish there. Did we never finish it? I thought we did, I mean we at least planned the ending. Something about that made me really sad. Could I ever finish it? I don't even know where Hunter is now? Things are complicated, emotions are complicated but this definitely hurts a lot. If I remember his last name maybe I can find him? Maybe that's weird? Would he even recognize me now..... I don't know what I'm feeling, I should be happier now....

I put the camera to the side of my desk. Power was still out. I walked over to my bed, sat on it looking out the window. Looking more the part of a princess. Am I ever going to be able to go out of this house and go do life the way I always wanted... or will nothing change? I did come this far so I need to figure this out, create the perfect christmas memory, make new friends as myself and do my best. It's scary but maybe I can do it? I am actually hanging out with someone tomorrow, like that's pretty crazy. It's been so long since I've done that... which does mean I have to somehow pick an outfit...

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