Chapter 12 Sticks, Hats and A Final Clash Against the Umbigus Tree

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Chapter 12 Sticks, Hats and A Final Clash Against the Umbigus Tree

"So um... do you remember how exactly we filmed these movies?" Naomi asked as she walks over to the spot she was standing in the original movie. "Uh pretty sure we just hit record and went for it" I replied, placing the camcorder on the same log I placed it on originally. Not the most stable camera stand but I remember being proud of coming up with it. It was actually a big reason we filmed in the park so much. So many objects to place the camera on. But of course also the wonderful trees as a backdrop. Some trees have been removed however it's largely the same as it ever was thankfully. One tree in particular was pretty big. A bird landed next to the camera, in pecking range of the lens. "I suppose somethings stay the same" I say out loud under my breath smiling running over to Naomi and Dakota. "Already team! We have a movie to finish!" I yell out holding my wand in the air. The 2 of them smile copying my pose. "So the film ends right as our brave knight is ready to save the princess from the umbigus tree" I explain laughing to myself a little. "I'm gonna keep saying it like that" Naomi says laughing back. I crouch down a little and face Dakota. "Okay so when we make a movie we are pretending! So I am a princess of a nearby kingdom and Naomi is a brave knight here to rescue me. But you are helping the umbigus tree so you are trying to stop Naomi" I explain enthusiastically. Dakota nods with a super serious facial expression "Okay, Understood!" Dakota says seemingly impersonating how an adult would respond to a director. She runs over near the same big tree and awaits further instructions. As I stand back up, Naomi looks at me smiling. "You really are good with kids, you are gonna be the best mother ever someday" Naomi mentions. I blush a little and smile back. "Well, we work well as a team though so maybe someday....we could do that together" I say quietly. Naomi gets flustered and looks away briefly. "I am ready!" Dakota yells out enthusiastically. "Well... let's do this, you got this princess" Naomi says smirking as she walks backyards to her position swinging her stick sword around. I nod and run over to the camcorder. My fingers hover over the record button. I was nervous, I couldn't believe this. I couldn't believe this chance I've been given. I look behind me and see the both of them readying up looking excited. Wow they believe in me, I feel so thankful. I will make the most of this chance, this truly is a blessing. I hit the record button and run over to the log I was sitting on in the original video. The log felt smaller. But it was still familiar. I hold out my legs and as I click my feet together yell out "action!" proudly. We have begun.

"Princess I am here to rescue you from the umbigus tree!" Naomi yelled out walking towards me grabbing my hand, lifting me from the seat. "Thank you so much, my knight... oh no wait it's the powerful mage of the forest!" I begin saying. I turn to Dakota and she makes a massive grin then runs over, her hat nearly falls off but Naomi catches it and puts it back on her head. "You can't take the princess" Dakota yells out at Naomi. Naomi thinks for a second and smirks. "But you took the princess?" Naomi comments. "Yeah but I have a cool hat" Dakota yells out. "It is a very cool hat, what will we do my knight" I say dramatically while looking at Naomi. "Then we must defeat the mage and the umbigus tree" Naomi yells out. Dakota jumps back and holds out her arms. "I will use the power of wind the defeat you ahhhhhhh" Dakota yells out. Both me and Naomi slowly pretend to fall over. "How will we defeat the mage" I say over dramatically. We both get up. I begin pretending to fire magic through my wand and Naomi begun slowmo swinging the stick. She stayed really far away from Dakota for safety which warmed my heart. Dakota then looked at the sky and meanicingly looks back at us. "I am immune to all your attacks" Dakota yells out loudly. "Wait how does she know the word immune?" Naomi asks looking directly at me. "...she seems to know a lot of words... either way we can't defeat her with attacks" I yell out. Naomi looks down "how will we win". The two of us begin nearly chuckling under our breathe delivering these improvised lines as dramatically as possible. "With the power of friendship" I yell out. "Wait what?" The mage questions. I crouch down at eye level of Dakota. "What if the mage just wanted a friend? Maybe she didn' want people to hurt the umbigus tree" I explain, smirking at Naomi when mentioning the tree. I make my way over to Dakota, pretending to struggle to walk through the wind spell. "I um.... No, I will defeat you!" Dakota yells out and I give her a soft hug. "Friends are important and I am happy to be your friend if you need one or even just want one, you are wonderful and I see the good in you, mage of the woods" I say smiling. Dakota returned the hug. "Okay I'll stop doing bad magic stuff now" Dakota says dramatically matching my acting from earlier. I finish the hug and smile at Dakota. "So mage of the woods" I begin to say as I adjust her hat so it wasn't about to fall off again. "Would you be able to tell the umbigus tree to stop attacking our village" I continue. Dakota smiles "Okay! But I'll tell the ambiguous tree to stop attacking people" Dakota explains as she runs off towards the tree, she begins whispering into the bark of the tree. Looking exactly like she is telling a cute secret to a friend. I start to stand up, brushing the bits of grass and dirt on my knees. Naomi approaches me, looking into my eyes. "The village is lucky to have you Princess, you've been gone for far too long.. Its time to return" Naomi explains holding her arm out in an exaggerated manor for me to hold onto. I hold her arm and smile. "Let us return to the village, but let's bring the mage she could help the village I can feel it" I explain. "Of course my princess, I am proud of you and your kindness" Naomi explains. We both smile for a bit and nod to each other. "And that's a wrap everyone!" I yell out to everyone happily. I've... done it. I've filmed it. This film, is complete. Despite being unfinished for so long. I walk over and stop recording on the camcorder. I'm in disbelief. We did it. I turn to Naomi and Dakota smiling happily. A couple of tears start dropping from my eyes. Naomi runs over to me and gets real close, holding my hand gently. "Wait Emily are you okay?" Naomi askes. "Yes, I am... just so happy.... We did it!... I never thought I'd meet you again... I didn't know we'd ever get to finish this movie.... I.... I love you Naomi, so much" I cry out to her happily. Naomi hugs me tightly. "I love you too Emily... This was a beautiful moment. I'm glad I got to share it with you my love" Naomi says tearing up a little. "Are you okay" Dakota askes looking confused. "You know when you are just so happy, you cry?" I try my best to explain with my words muffled by happy tears. "Um... when mum lets me wear girls clothes the first time!!" Dakota yells out happily. I'll admit the phrase made me jealous to my core, but I was happy for her. She got what all of us deserve and I'll always be thankful for how her mum treated her. "That is a very good example Dakota, yes like that!" I begin explaining. Me and Naomi finish our little hug, we both sit on the little log we previously balanced the camcorder on. The camcorder now sat on my lap. "I made this video a long long time ago, I was worried I'd never finish it.... But I finally finished it! And got to do it with you and Naomi" I explain happily. My words were still muddled by my crying. But the happiness was genuine. "This... is such a wonderful moment" I explain. Naomi nods and holds my hand. "I'm proud of you" Naomi says smiling. Dakota looks over at Naomi then back at me. "I'm also proud of you!" Dakota yells out enthusiastically and gives me a big hug.

I'll admit, early into my transition I undervalued the importance of community. I didn't understand the importance of bonding with trans people. But I feel I understand it now. The importance of community, the importance of being together on this wonderful planet.

I begin to calm down. I smile looking down at the little camcorder that lasted all this time. "We really did it"

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