Chapter 16 Christmas Day

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Chapter 16 Christmas Day

It's here. Christmas day. It really came. I'm here, as me and Christmas is here with me. I got up from my bed, rearranged my plushies with the biggest smile I might've ever had. I spent a good amount of time picking an outfit, and ended up with a cute a-line skirt with a cute top. I twirled in the mirror, posing while holding the doll I bought for myself. I felt really nice. I placed the doll on my bed with all the plushies. The doll could move in so many ways. It would've given me so many possibilities for a movie with my toys. But I suppose I could make movies with the doll anyway? Maybe a post christmas project?

Today though, I have my own plans. I walked out and met my mum in the lounge room. She smiled and walked over. "Merry Christmas Emily," She said. It felt right. A rush of positive emotions came forth. I smile back and reply "Merry christmas mum". We both walked around the house a bit grabbing things for our little park Christmas trip. We grabbed snacks, a laptop and some decorations to place with a picnic rug. The house is filled with the usual sounds of dad watching TV loudly. Mum and I mention that we are heading to the park to celebrate with some people. We were greeted with an "okay" by him. I'll admit I don't know what kinda response I want from him. But I admit after the other day I didn't really feel up to talk to him much. Maybe things will heal, but at this stage I don't know.

We made our way to the park with all the things we are bringing. The park was its usual tranquill self. The doubt I had from dad's interaction leaving my worries like the wind itself blew out the negative emotions for now. We placed our picnic blanket, with various decorations alongside it. "What did Dakota think of the park?" My mum asked as she was placing decorations on the ground surrounding the picnic blanket. "She had a great time I think, too bad the ducks aren't out right now she'd love that I think" I replied. I placed various snacks on plates carefully, paying extra attention to make it look good.

"And Naomi's? Present?" Mum asked, smiling. "Shipping got delayed but I took a photo of it to show her what is on the way... she won't be sad right?" I reply doubting myself slightly. "I don't think she will, I think she'll see her wonderful girlfriend getting her a special gift" Mum replied. I couldn't help but be excited for Naomi's reaction. I could only just smile brightly and keep checking my phone for her arrival.

In the distance Dakota and my auntie were approaching the picnic blanket. "FOOD!" Dakota yells out loudly, she happily sits down and stares at the food until mum gives an approving nod before she begins eating. At the same time I got a message from Naomi saying she is nearly there. I happily grip my phone in anticipation. The wind blew softly, my long orange hair blew alongside it. My outfit moved along with it. Everything is becoming amazing. I really did it... Christmas and everyone I want to be here is about to be here... it was a hard choice but I had to make it for myself and my happiness. And dang I am so happy.

While eating some snacks and watching Dakota demolish the chocolate we placed on the plates, I look up and see Naomi. She looked like she was going to try to sneak up on me but she only got half way across the park undetected. I run towards her with a massive smile. She stops walking and holds her arms out. I land in her arms. "Someone's energetic today" Naomi whispers in my ear. "It's christmas I can be as energetic as I want" I whisper back giggling under my breath. Suddenly Naomi kisses me and lets go of the hug smiling. "Merry Christmas, Emily" Naomi says tenderly as she holds out a bunny plushie. "THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!! THANK YOU!!" I yell out louder than I expected holding the bunny plushie. "They are so big and soft and .... I love this.... Thank you..." I reply trying to calm down, I kiss her and smile. "Please don't be mad but, your present didn't come on time but I got you this!" I explain as I show a picture on my phone of a surfboard. "Wait how did you know I wanted that one?" Naomi askes looking genuinely shocked but still trying to maintain her cool girl composure. "You commented on a post of it and y'know social media is social media... so I knew" I reply giggling. "So my girlfriend did some detective work is it? Princess Detective Emily" Naomi replies jokingly giving me a big hug. "Well... let's meet with the others while there is still food left" I explain, holding Naomi's hand and guiding her over. "Sounds good princess," Naomi replied happily.

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