Chapter 11 Family awkwardness and a movie shoot

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Chapter 11 Family awkwardness and a movie shoot

Upon waking up, my head to rest on top of Naomi's chest. She was still asleep, she has one arm around me and the other behind her head. I couldn't help but blush a bit. She looks really cool, even when she is asleep. I lean back into her and just enjoy the moment. She is really my girlfriend, I feel so lucky. I will have to explain this to my mum... that might go okay? Dad well.... I'm just not gonna mention it, don't feel like I should. Christmas is already gonna involve enough awkward conversations...

Naomi will be alone during christmas right? She lives by herself. That sounds like it'd be hard for her... maybe I should invite her over for Christmas. But will my parents let me. Maybe I could go to her house during christmas... I should get Naomi a present soon too. There is quite a lot to do yet.. I feel like I can do this all now. Naomi started to attempt to roll over then bumped into my head lightly. "Hello sleepy head" I said playfully. Naomi's eyes were still shut but she smirked and held me tight. "Why, aren't you up early princess" Naomi said imitating the way I just spoke to her. "Did you sleep well?" I asked in a whisper. Naomi smiled and looked at me in the eyes. "It was amazing, your beds really soft" Naomi explained softly. She started moving her fingers across my cheeks slowly, the feeling tickled a little but felt so warm and wonderful. "The plushies made it a little squishy though" Naomi said jokingly. "I find it cozy" I replied back smiling. "It is, I'm just not use to it I suppose... but if I'm gonna be dating you then well... I'm going to get use to it soon I can imagine" Naomi said in that warm low voice she would always do when flirting with me. "I-I'm glad" I replied, my cheeks getting red. Naomi caught on and leaned in the kiss me. After we kissed she moved me a bit closer for a more deep hug. She started playing with my hair softly. We spent time just like this, for quite some time. It was magical. Here she was, my girlfriend perfectly comfortable in my little plushie palace. Here I am in the castle I've been trapped in for so long yet... when she is here it feels more like a home. I'm not trapped anymore. I am free. Maybe physically I still live here but how living here feels is so different. Like a weight's been lifted away since meeting Naomi. The same bed I would cuddle pengasus the penguin and wish to become a girl when I woke up. I'm... a girl now, I always was and I have a girlfriend too? I'm the same princess in her castle but I have a knight to be here for me. Yet, thanks to her I have realized I was more confident than I realized. I am brave, confident and smart. I had no idea I had this in me till recently. She didn't turn me into a confident person like a mages spell... she simply showed me that I could be loved for who I am. I think that's all I needed to see I have value. It feels wonderful to know I'm loved. I really hope Naomi feels loved when I speak to her. She is wonderful.

After some time passes together we eventually get up from the bed and are sitting around the room talking. Soon after someone knocks on the door. "Am I able to come in?" My mum asked. "Oh um sure" I reply, trading glances at Naomi and back at the door slightly nervously. "Uh so... I got a call from your auntie and Dakota has wanted to come over since meeting you again so would you be free today" My mum said nervously. "I'm happy for that, you wanna met one of my cousins Naomi" I asked smiling. Naomi looked hesitant but smiled soon after. "Sure, could be fun" Naomi replied. Mum still doesn't know that she's already met Naomi in the past, when mum saw her yesturday none of us knew yet. But the conversation between her and my mum was short but went pretty well. I'm feeling a little safer around my mum. Other than her not being use to me being trans for a while she was very kind to me.

"Well uh your dad wants me to get some stuff so listen out for the door okay?" My mum says still nervous as she begins closing the door to leave. She stops moving the door and turns to me. "Um Emily, do you want me to get you some sushi while I am out? I can get Naomi some too?" She asked. My eyes widened, almost as if I spaced out for a moment. But quickly tuned back in and smiled brightly. "I would love that, um can I get the una...uh the eel one if that's okay" I reply smiling. "As expected" My mum replies giggling to herself happily. "Um would you like some Naomi" My mum asks. "Oh uh, could I get tuna sushi" Naomi responds smiling. "Sounds good you girls have fun okay? I'll let Dakota know she can come over" Mum replied happily closing the door. "Have fun shopping" I reply happily. "You seem to get along well with your mum" Naomi comments. "I thought you said you didn't?" Naomi continued looking confused. "Oh uh... well... she hasn't been like this in a while..." I explain with a look of confusion. "Maybe something happened? Anything you can think of?" Naomi asked. "Um.... we had a family lunch a while ago and she met another lgbt family member and was supportive honestly? So... maybe something like that?" I begin to say. Naomi slid back, lying on her back on my bed, headpatting some of my plushies while looking at the ceiling. "That could be it, its easier to accept a less close family member as lgbt and maybe something clicked for her" Naomi explained. "You... you think so?" I reply happily. Naomi looks my way smirking. My body language was that of a toddler who got told they can buy a game at the shops that day. "Yes that is what I think Emily" Naomi replied smiling slightly. She bit her lip a little and walked over to me. "So... things will get better you think?" I ask. "I believe they already are better, and will continue to get better and I'll be there for you either way" Naomi explains while softly holding my hand. I hold her hand back and smile at her. I lean in and kiss her softly, this leads into more kisses for quite some time. When we finally let go of each others lips and laugh a bit. "Will you be able to last without doing that once we have company here" Naomi askes jokingly. My cheeks become hot and red. "Well yeah, I was thinking maybe when Dakota gets here I'll show her my plushies and we could all play with them" I suggest smiling. "Uh well... I don't really know how to play with plushies... its been a while I guess you could say" Naomi replied suddenly being flustered. "Its easy I promise but you don't have to if you don't want to okay" I explain while giving Naomi a kiss on the cheek. "Alright, will keep this in mind" Naomi replied smirking but looking away trying to hide the red in her cheeks. In the distance I could hear a car pull up in front of the house. I skip over to the bed, gently letting go of Naomi's hands so I could rearrange the plushies on my bed to make sure entering the room is exciting. "You are so excited" Naomi says smiling. "Yeah you could say that" I reply placing hatty the bear in a very visible spot leaning on my pillow. I look back at Naomi blushing. "You think she'll like the plushies" I ask. "I'm sure she will" Naomi responded, smiling back. The front door of the house suddenly opened. Footsteps approached the room and a gentle knock on the door. Naomi opens the door slowly. Dakota runs in excited then stops looking up at Naomi. "Oh um.... You're Emily's friend?" Dakota asks nervously. "Basically yeah" Naomi smiled super brightly looking at me. Dakota looks over to me, visibly energizes back to her bubbly self and runs over to me, giving me a big hug. "Hiii Dakota how are you" I ask happily. "Suuuuper good! Mum said I could go to Emily's house" Dakota yelled out happily. Her voice was not an inside voice but neither me nor Naomi seemed to want to stop her. I enjoyed her energy a lot. "So Dakota did you want to play" I began to ask. Suddenly she yells out "PLUSHIES" really loud and scoots onto my bed and looks at all the plushies I have. "These are cute!!" She yelled out. "You can hug them too if you'd like" I explain happily. Dakota nods and hugs some of the plushies. She seemed to gravitate to my Elephant plushie named Trunks The Elephant. This one seemed to be her favorite. After a few minutes of the two of us playing with the plushies together for a few minutes I looked over to Naomi. She was leaning against the wall smiling as a spectator. "Hey um... would you like to join" I asked happily. Naomi breathed out smiling and nodded. She walked over and sat on the bed as well. Naomi started a bit shy but got more confident the more we played. We got Dakota to play as Trunks the hero elephant, destined the save the plushie kingdom. I played as Hatty the bear, who was the wise master of hero'ing. Able to guide Trunks on their quest to save the Plushie kingdom. Naomi played as pengasus trying to stop the heroes. It was very light hearted and fun. I need to remember to let pengasus play as the hero next time. After playing for quite some time, Dakota's attention darted to the camcorder on my desk. "What's that!" Dakota askes curiously but still energetically. Me and Naomi look at each other giggle a little then turn back to Dakota. "Its a camcorder, I used it to record videos with my friend" I explain. "Can I see it, can I see it" Dakota asks happily. I look over at Naomi to double check but she suddenly put her arm on my shoulder. "I don't mind what you show nor what you tell her okay? I trust her because of how much you trust her" Naomi replies. "Oh I didn't know how visible my trust was" I respond laughing. "Look, you let her play with your plushies, you obviously trust her a lot" Naomi said in a semi teasing tone. I blush a little and dart my eyes away. "Okay that's fair" I respond laughing. I pick up the camera. I sit in such a way that Naomi and Dakota can see the small camcorder screen. I rewind the camcorder back to where the video starts. "What is that noise is it broken?" Dakota askes. "Nope just getting the movie ready" I explain happily. "So Dakota, me and Naomi made this movie when we were really little, kinda close to your age now." I begin to explain while the camcorder rewinds. "Me and Naomi looked very different back then, but we would like to show you our movie anyway" I explain smiling. Dakota nods and smiles. "So this movie is little Emily and Nicole" Dakota responds. "Oh um, her name is Naomi" I explain. Dakota nods and tries a few times to pronounce it. She got it after a few tries and looked really happy when she got it right. The video started, both me and Naomi entering frame like we did each time. Dakota looked visibly confused, look at me then back at the video. "I uh.. Look a bit different don't I" I explain playfully with an awkward laugh mixed in. Dakota smiled and playfully laughed back. "You play a good princess!" Dakota yelled out. Either she didn't quite want to respond to my statement or she just accepted it instantly I wasn't quite sure. The movie got up to the part where the ambiguous tree is mentioned. Dakota turns to me again, "Isn't it pronounced ambiguous not umbigus" Dakota asked. "Wait how did you...." I began to say rather surprised. Naomi chuckled while looking away. Our eyes meet and we do a big smile before looking back at the camera. "Waaaait wheres the ending" Dakota asked looking confused. "Did the camcordial break?" Dakota continued. "Oh um we never finished it.... Though me and Naomi were thinking of filming the rest of it soon" I explain. Dakota's eyes lit up and she hopped off the bed looking straight into my eyes. "Can I be in the movie!" She asked very excited. I look over to Dakota, she smiles back. "Sure!" I reply. Dakota jumps up excited. "What kinda character should Dakota play? Would getting her to play the villain be mean" Naomi asked me. "Ummmm how about the mage that summoned that umbigus tree all along just wanted some friends and then the 3 all become friends" I suggest, getting progressively more into it as I went. "Hmmmmm I like it I like it" Naomi replied starting to stand up. "I get to use magic?" Dakota yells out. "Yeah!" I reply attempting to match her volume. Me and Naomi begin getting things to take with us for filming. Dakota waits patiently by the door. Like she is bouncing up in down excited but she is waiting patiently. I open a big closet, the same dusty skateboard slides out of the closet. I kneel down, picking it up to put back inside. "Hey um... you haven't used that for a while huh..." Naomi asked. "I turn to her nodding. "I've been a bit overwhelmed I guess with everything, but I wanna get back into it" I explain. "After we finish filming wanna teach me how to ride it?" Naomi askes holding the skateboard. "I uh.... That sounds good" I explain while placing the skate board on the closet, but I dust it off before placing it there. "I also have this little hat we could use for our new mage" I suggest holding out a cheap magical hat. "You had that at the ready?" Naomi asked curiously. "Witch costume, y'know what all the cis boys would wear for halloween" I say sarcastically grabbing the hat out. "Do you even celebrate halloween?" Naomi asked jokingly. "No, I just wanted an excuse to wear girls clothes at friends at the time's house" I reply giggling as I hand the hat to Dakota. She enthusiastically wears it and starts spinning around pretending to cast magic. I reach further in the closet looking for more props. After sorting through old photos, trophies with my deadname on them and some video game instruction manuals.. I found something.

I stand up and show Naomi something I thought I didn't have anymore. "I uh.... Still have this.... Apparently" I explain while holding out the sticks both of us used as props at the time. "Wait you kept those? Emily that's amazing" Naomi replied joyfully giving me a hug. "So, would you like your sword my knight" I say playfully. She bows in an exaggerated manner as she receives the sword from me. I hold my wand and smile brightly. They may literally be sticks held together with some kinda string but its my stick wand. The stick wand that I used at the time.

We all began walking to the park nearby. I let mum know where we were going and off we were. Was quite a strange feeling. I never expected I'd be off to film the rest of that short movie. I also never expected my childhood best friend who is also trans moves back into my hometown and becomes my girlfriend. I also never expected my cousin to also be trans. Its kinda crazy how stuff you don't expect can happen I suppose. But this moment right now felt amazing. The wind was refreshing in contrast to how hot it was today. It's wonderful, this is all wonderful. I'm really here and I'm doing this... I feel so lucky.... Time to finish this movie! 

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