Skittles Arrow

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And the next 8 hours are amazing. They all make cookies and hot chocolate. All meaning everyone but Kate. Everyone made an unspoken rule to not allow Kate near kitchen related things for now. 

After that, they had dinner and talked for a bit more. Yelena's started to slowly open up and get into her natural talkative state, mainly thanks to Kate and Laura. She hasn't taken that vest off the entire day. And she subconsciously gripped it tight anytime Natasha came up in a conversation. Clint noticed the discomfort that brought the blonde and started shutting down anything like that, and the others caught on. 

The main entertainment was honestly Nate doing dumb stuff and Kate just existing. Yelena can vouch on her life she's never seen a 22 year old person more bubbly and with an ego so big before. Who also manages to somehow destroy something every 30 minutes. A broken plate, dropped foot, accidentally stepping on Lucky's tail, burning her hand on a mug. You name it. Kate's done it all today while managing to not be annoying about it. It was simply fun and light hearted, and be sure as hell Yelena teased her every time and Kate replied with just as much sass. 

Maybe messaging Kate and coming here wasn't so bad after all. She still feels off, but playing this pretend family and friends helped her take her mind off of things. 

As for right now, they're all on the couch, only Yelena on the floor with Lucky in her lap, watching Home Alone. The russian has a love-hate relationship with classic american movies. Kate's ridiculous commentary makes it very enjoyable though. At one point she full on shouts:

"That's ridiculous ! No one would actually fall for that trap in rea- OW!" 

Kate hits her shoulder and shushes her, pointing at the kids who have fallen asleep. Of course Kate rolls her eyes and says something within the lines of 'i was just saying'. After a few more minutes the movie is done and Clint and Laura pick up the kids to get them upstairs. Before being completely gone Clint stops in front of the stairs. 

"There's not really a guest room. You gotta stay down here with that one." Kate. Who snorts at how she's referred to. 

"Thanks for the sympathy." 

"That's fine."

After Yelena confirms it, Clint goes upstairs. As emotionless as he is, his heart is beaming with happiness. The genuine satisfaction and peace he got from somewhat giving Natasha's sister a safe space is a good match to how happy is for finding Kate and deciding to help. It's good. It's something really good. 

Not so good for Kate though. Now that everyone is gone and it's just her and Yelena in a hypothetically dark room…it's kind of awkward. And she points it out shamelessly. 

"This is awkward."

And Yelena doesn't fight the statement.

"Helpful." Kate continues with a sigh before getting up and going to the drawers in the corner.

"Maybe it doesn't have to be."

She opens them and pulls out three bottles, names on them not visible. Yelena's brow shoots up in interest. 

"What's that?" 

"The deal was a drink, wasn't it?" Kate's so smug it's ridiculous. 

"A drink. Not strawberry water." Yelena's eyes are on the Baileys bottle as Kate moves to the kitchen counter and reaches into a cupboard for shot glasses. 

"In my defense, it's not mine. I'm sort of stealing Clint's alcohol right now." She adjusts the purple pair of sunglasses she has on, pushing them further up her nose, while opening a bottle and going to pour into a small glass. 

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