The Drunk Pegasi Dealer

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(I love giving out of context titles)

The curtains block any outside light from getting through the motel room's window. So it's practically still dark even if it's quite late in the morning, Yelena assumes, still trying to shift in the bed and fall back into a full sleep rather than a state between slumber and being awake. Everything aches from last night's fights, and the ones a few days ago. She hasn't really rested properly until a few hours ago when she relaxed and felt safe falling asleep without a weapon in her hand. Going to pin that on the fact that Fanny was here instead of admitting that Kate's presence is maybe not that bad (even calming). Because it is bad, just not that bad. 

Well, if the sun doesn't wake her up the noise in the room does. A loud thud and a squeak come from the corner, then a bark, and something that sounds like a desperate ' don't wake her up, I beg' . The request doesn't work because Yelena does, in fact, groan and open her eyes. Only to shut them again a second later and roll over in the bed, trying to reach out and pet Fanny. It didn't hit her that if the bark came from the corner then Fanny is there and, not in bed. It's completely empty. That means Kate's out too. That part is not so bad. 

Another loud thud and a whine from near the TV. Yelena would really want to ignore it but the dog's bark makes her sit, wanting to see what the hell is happening. Her expression is just as happy as her mood when she looks down to see Kate on the floor, struggling to untangle herself from the mess that is her suit belts and the quiver. Fanny is being helpful , biting at one of the arrows and pulling playfully. 

"What on earth are you doing?" The russian's voice just goes to show how done she is with the sight. Kate ultimately pushes Fanny off and stands up, holding a chewed arrow in one hand and having about 4 belts, give or take, hooked around the length of her arm. And the quiver around the shoulder.

"You're up! Finally! We have to go" Kate does not seem or sound embarrassed at all. The contrary, she's radiating excitement. 

"What?" Yelena questions mid-yawn. Her brain is not really functional enough yet to deal with this. 

"We have to go." Kate explains again before properly putting all the pieces of her costume together. Yelena would be amused if she wasn't so damn tired. "I've got the list. We need to look into these people and try to find Bruce Banner or…anyone. And since no one hacked us because of those files, yet, we can try cracking those too. We've got a whole case here."

"This isn't a cops movie. I'm not going to look for a green angry guy with you. I'm going back to S-" 

"Saint Petersburg. I know. You said your mother can look at everything. I packed your things already." Kate practically throws a bag at Yelena. A bag that contains everything of hers that the archer could find in the room. The blonde catches it, thanks reflexes, and nearly groans again when Kate continues speaking.

"It's late, c'mon! We can get brunch and go talk to my mother about that Moon Guy and then I'll walk you to the airport." Fanny barks in approval. 

"You want to go out in your suit with the bow and arrows in the middle of the street? And the gun?" 

"Not all of us are trained killers. If something happens these will come in handy. And, I'll…hide them somewhere and just grab them if I have to." Kate says as if it's the most obvious thing ever. 

"Great plan." Yelena replies with sarcasm and stands up. Sadly, she kind of agreed to be a part of this last night and there's no backing out in this moment. The other woman watches her expectantly, and of course she gives in. 

"Fine. But you're looking after Fanny until I get back." 

"Deal!" Kate rushes outside, forgetting the door is closed and walking right into it at first. She bumps her head against the wooden surface with such a loud thud that Yelena doesn't know if she should laugh or feel bad. Kate plays it off, or tries to, really, and pretends nothing happened. The door is opened and Yelena just follows, getting the bag and signaling Fanny to stay close, curious of where this leads.

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