"No More Big!"

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What would you expect to see at 3AM, on a New York rooftop next to the official Avengers Museum? Nothing? Spiderman? Wrong. It's two teenagers and a slightly (more than slightly) drunk 22 year old with a bow. 

"Your phone keeps buzzing." Teddy points out, eyes on Kate's lit up pocket. It's vibrating too. 

"Probably just Yelena…alright, it stopped now." The woman announces proudly after turning the phone off: "I don't know if toy binoculars will show you anything."

Cassie groans and lowers said binoculars: "Actual ones are expensive. I can't see anything, just the cap of a guard."

Teddy shakes his head: "This is a bad idea."

"You agreed to come." Cassie points out: "Don't back out now."

"I wanted to see the museum up close, not break in and steal from it. I made a heat of the moment choice, maybe we should leave…" 

"I'm not stealing anything! I'm taking back my father's suit. It's logically mine by birth right, it's not my fault my stupid step father gave it away and mom agreed with it. He is the problem to everything, god. I can already hear him: 'Cassie couldn't possibly be a superhero, she's too spoiled and stupid and selfish ' "

Teddy frowns, trying to ignore how Cassie starts growing. She wasn't joking. Her emotions really do trigger the powers: "He said that?" 

"No, but I must be because I know how my mother feels about superheroes and what it led my dad to, and here I am trying to be one!" 

All this time Kate is wrapping duct tape around Teddy's phone (yes, she snatched it. Judge all you want). She only speaks when Cassie gets really big, about 10'3: "Cass, calm down, you're kinda…growing. You haven't done anything bad yet other than breaking into a high security lab."

"And now into a high security museum…" Teddy trails off. 

"Yeah, you don't even have a codename, it's fine." Very helpful, Kate. Very thoughtful. 

Cassie calms her breathing and shrinks back to normal size. Great, another set of ripped off clothes: "I do need a codename…" 

"Nah, you don't." 

"I do . But, seriously, what am I gonna do? If my mom finds out about the powers or any of this, it'll kill her. Then my step-father'll  kill me ." 

"That's what we're here for. The suit will not only not tear every time you grow, but it has to help with controlling the powers too, right? It's logical, it'll be alright, I promise. And, if your parents find out, they won't die. They'll probably just sue me for endangering you…I'm fine with that."

Cassie nods, actually appreciating it. Not sure how much of that Kate can actually do, but it's appreciated. A lot. She'll take any support right now. Kate breaks her train of thought by pulling at her arm: "I need your phone."

The girl doesn't question it. She gives Kate the phone. 

Teddy, though, questions why the hell Kate is duct taping his phone to a bird . Because, yes, the hawk is here: "Not that I am questioning your methods, but what the hell are you doing?" 

"Using Theodore as a flying camera, duh." Kate says as if it's the most obvious thing ever. Once Teddy's phone is tied to the hawk, she turns it on and calls Cassie, then picks up and turns it to video call. Brilliant idea: "Voilla. Relax, Ted, if it drops and breaks I'll buy you another one. I'm rich."

Teddy blinks: "Didn't you say you had no credit cards?" 

"I will be rich again at some point…alright, here we go." She whistles so the hawk gets on her arm. Cassie stops her:

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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