✔️Elsa Cosplay✔️

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This is where the storyline starts changing.

"It hurts ." Kate's pained cry breaks Yelena out of her train of thought. The blonde turns to look at the archer again. She's in pain, a lot of pain, for obvious reasons. Her left hip is shattered completely, bright red shining in the dim light that comes from down the street where a full police team is now standing. Helicopters shouldn't take long to come in. 

"Your side is blown up."Yelena explains and goes to kneel next to Kate, to be at her level and inspect the wound better. 

"Clint…?" Kate feels so numb yet in so much pain at the same time. Even blinking feels heavy and hard to do. Her breathing hitches in her throat with every word that manages to actually get past a whisper. And Yelena doesn't even reply. She's busy falling to her knees and biting her own lip to hold in a wince of pain. That's when Kate also notices that Yelena's hurt. It's her calf, where it got caught in the open portal. There's nothing but an open wound there anymore.

"You're bleeding." And that's the last thing Kate says before it all goes black. 

"I know ." The russian doesn't notice Kate passed out so she keeps speaking, ignoring her own injury because there's nothing to do really. Nothing to tie around it or to disinfect it with. Best she can do is hope it doesn't bleed too much. Yelena focuses on Kate and undoes the zipper to her uniform completely so she can roll up the shirt underneath, get a better view of her abdomen and the shrapnel. She's not new to these types of wounds and by the looks of it Kate's isn't that serious, not damage wise anyway. 

"The angles are good. I think it missed anything vital, you're just bleeding a lot- Kate?" 

No response. 



Yelena panics and moves up to shake Kate roughly by the shoulder in an attempt to wake her up. The woman just groans at the action. Well, desperate times. Not thinking twice before smacking Kate across the cheek. That gets a better response. 

"Ouch! I'm dying, be more gentle." Kate opens her eyes just to shoot Yelena a glare. And then she goes to clutch at her side because it still hurts like hell. Another smack, this time on her hand. 


"But it hurts ."

"Don't touch." Yelena warns. Kate nearly rolls her eyes but knows she's right. She could do more damage that way. 

"Call an ambulance."

"No." Yelena replies firmly and casually starts petting Kate down in search of her phone. Absolutely no hesitation to look through each one of her pockets. 

"Excuse me? 'No' isn't an option you get in this particular situat- what are you doing-" Kate's cut off by her own pained whimper. The random waves of pain just keep hitting and hitting and leaving her out of breath. 

"Looking for this." The blonde holds up a phone from Kate's pocket and starts going through the contacts. Still no explanation to why she's not just calling an ambulance. 

Yelena starts going through the contacts and internally facepalms herself when the only names are: "Mom", "Clint", "Grills" and "Unknown". 

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