It's all Wanda

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"Wake up! It's time to do the copiloting!" Kate's woken up by a violent shake and grip on her shoulders. It's Noh-Varr, panicked, barely keeping the lever of the helicopter still as they're flying toward the ground. The sea, more exactly. They're not making it to the shore. Kate's brain goes blank. 

"Is it a bad time to tell you I've never really pilo-" 

"Yes!" She sits back in her chair and braces for the impact because no matter how good of a pilot this guy is, the helicopter can't fly without gas. 

Teddy rushes to them and goes to slam the tesseract down on the control panel again, hoping it will give them another boost to fly up. Noh-Varr stops him. "Don't! It's too much photon energy, the aircraft might explode!" Teddy steps back reluctantly. And they're still crashing.

"Stabilize it! Get it as close to the beach as you can!" 

"What the hell does stabilizing it mean?!" Kate yells back, just pressing random buttons at this point. 

Meanwhile, Cassie wakes up and takes in the surroundings, and the horrible situation they're in. 

And she gets an idea. 

"Okay…worse that happens is death. I got this." The girl crosses her fingers and starts muttering something while heading for the door. Well, where the helicopter door is supposed to be. Because they couldn't put it back so it's just empty space. A huge one that they could fall out through. Cassie leans against it, looks down at the water that approaches fast, and starts panicking. 

"What are you doing!?" Kate rushes to the suicidal Cassie. 

"I need to grow, someone anger me! Wake Yelena up!" 


Cassie sighs: "I think I grow and shrink based on emotions?! I don't know, just…anger me before we drow- WHAT THE HELL DUDE?"

Kate basically slaps her across the face mid sentence. Great. Add a child violence lawsuit too on top of the child endangerment: "You told me to anger you!" 


Another slap. 

Teddy and Noh-Varr exchange a look while Kate slaps Cassie again. Then she starts growing…okay, maybe the hitting worked. 

The next seconds are very confusing. All Cassie knows is that she's angry. Because it's infuriating when you're trying to say something and someone keeps smacking you like they have the right too. 

Oh, and she's like 12 feet for a few moments. Every part of her body hurts and gets splashed by water like a whip while she grows…and she hops out once she realizes what her initial plan was. She sinks into the water only up to her hips thanks to the increased height…and she grabs the helicopter. Literally, grabs a helicopter. 

Kate shuts her eyes and waits for it to be done, being thrown left and right in the helicopter. It turns out a giant out of control Cassie trying to hold a helicopter isn't the safest solution to crashing. Then, it stops. There's no more water flying around or falling into nothingness. They're on steady ground, wet sand surrounding the helicopter. No sight of giant Cassie. 

Kate goes to run outside and go full lifeguard mode if Cassie shrunk and started drowning or something. But she stops at the helicopter entrance, feeling a sharp pain when nails…? No, claws dig into her shoulder painfully. She turns her head to see the hawk staying on her shoulder, claws ripping straight to the purple suit. The archer swallows thickly at the pain. 

"You couldn't have found a better place?" 

"Shoo, shoo!" Noh-Varr tries to wave the bird off but it ends up just screeching at him. Which apparently triggers his enhanced anger issues or something because he pulls those guns out and goes to fry the hawk. The sounds of someone ramming into the wall (Yelena, by accident, still half unconscious) and someone else throwing up stop him. 

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