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"Do you really have to leave?" Kate insists, asking Yelena for the 10th time in the span of 5 minutes. 

"No, I could call my mother and ask her to send me the data, but this is the perfect excuse to get away from this place."

Kate slumps down on the couch, letting Yelena move her feet in her lap as they share a huge box of ice cream, watching Dog Cops on TV. Lucky and Fanny are cuddled up by the table, wagging their tails happily everytime one of the girls throws them a snack. And, yes, dogs shouldn't eat ice cream, but they shouldn't eat pizza either. So, it's whatever: "It's not that bad."

"We're 4 people, two dogs and a chicken living in your mostly burnt down apartment." 

"Hawk, not a chicken." The archer sighs and pets said bird. That thing refuses to leave the building, so it's the team's newest pet. Still nameless: "Come on, you can't leave. Cassie's already gone, she can rarely get to New York, if you ditch me too I'm stuck with those two idiots. It's cruel."

"Sounds like your problem." Yelena pauses, sitting up to look around the living room for Teddy and Noh-Varr: "Where even are they?" 

"Dunno." Kate shrugs, not caring much. If they're busy arguing with each other, then they're not bothering her. Good enough: "Seriously, it's been a week and Bruce hasn't called us, and America hasn't showed up for the stupid mind drive. I should've let Cassie take it."

"Why Cassie?" 

"Cause in case Chavez showed up she'd have it and be at risk of dying. She's a child, she'd be spared."

"Doubt 4th of july cares about it."

"You're really gonna keep calling her 4th of july when she almost murdered us on different ocassions?" 

"You prefer Independence Day?" 

"Starshine's my favourite." That gets a laugh out of Yelena before Kate continues: "We should've given both the mind drive and tesseract to Banner."

"Norman would throw a huge tantrum if you gave his blue toy away."

Kate scoffs: "It's not even Noh-Varr's, it's Teddy's…maybe that's not our choice to make. But why did you want to keep the mind drive?" 

Yelena gives Kate an instant offended look: " Me?" 

"I-I mean, I wanted to keep it, but you weren't against it-" 

"Because knowledge…is power." The blonde mumbles with a mouthful of ice cream: "And what comes out of a robot's head has knowledge. It's simple logic."

"Not power when we have no idea how to access the knowledge-hold on." 

A loud ringing comes from upstairs. Kate's phone. And of course her ringtone is a Taylor Swift song. Yelena struggles not to laugh and mock it while Kate stumbles up the stairs, tripping at least once, to grab her phone that keeps ringing. Whoever it is they might be desperate. 

Few seconds later, Kate stumbles back down, breathy, phone to her ear while she's trying to understand what the person on the other end is saying: "Teddy, you what?" 

"Not me, Noh-Varr. We went to a laser tag and he shot his actual guns and got really competitive and started knocking kids over-" 

Yelena eavesdrops, raising an eyebrow: "Are those police sirens in the background?" 

Kate gulps and nods, still listening to a panicked Teddy while there's some smashing noises. Of course Noh-Varr has to be fighting cops again. 


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