Chapter 2

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    Gorden Perlman. It was the only name that raced through my mind after I left Spanish class, after I left school that very first day. All the other people I had become acquainted with became a blur; all I could ponder about was Gorden.

    I don't know what it was about him that attracted me. Was it the tall, awkward boy vibes he gave off? Or the bowl hair cut that made me weak at the knees? Was it his pallid skin, or his dorky style? I wasn't sure, but there was something about him that I just absolutely loved, and I would love forever.


    The next day during lunch, I sat with the girl I befriended yesterday, Lydia, and another girl, Ronan. I had only met her this morning, during English class, when I desperately needed to borrow her shoes. I had forgotten to bring sneakers for PE class, and there was no way I could run in five-inch leather stilettos. So, I asked that girl if we could switch shoes for the morning, and she happily agreed to it. And so, we became friends and I didn't even have to show her my booger-infested ID picture.

    The three of us were casually eating lunch together, discussing our new classes and teachers and how freshmen year was treating us so far, when suddenly, I felt a presence behind me, a presence so overwhelming that I felt my breath taken away. I immediately knew it was Gorden.

    I had only been sitting near Gorden for one class now, and I had learned so many things about him and his righteous being. I studied him with great detail, analyzing every single movement he made, every single word that fluidly escaped out of his lovely mouth. I learned that he was fond of Halal food; I could smell it from his yogurt-stained clothes. I noticed that he had a picture of a zebra on his binder, and it intrigued me. Why a zebra? I learned that he had a passion in language, and I saw the effort he gave in answering the questions our Spanish teacher shot at him. Even though he got all of them wrong, I knew that he was a zealous man.


    "Hey...Mumu." He started. His voice was smooth, like a baby's powdered bottom. He could do many wonders with that voice. "I was wondering...if you're free Thursday after school, maybe we could, you know, get some pizza."

    My heart was thumping fast. Faster than Usain Bolt. I stared into his chocolate brown eyes, with my mouth hanging open. This was unbelievable. Gorden Perlman, the man of my dreams, the man whom I was destined to marry, asked me out. Could I ask for anything more?

    "Yes, of course!" I shouted, giggling and blushing at Gorden. He chuckled back, running his fingers through his brown mop of hair.

    "Cool, cool," He said. "So I'll wait by your locker after school on Thursday, okay?" I nodded hastily. "Okay, then, I'll see you soon." He sexily smirked at me, and then walked away to his friend's table, where an intense game of Uno was going on. I turned back to my friends, who had just witnessed the greatest moment of my life. They both looked speechless, and they stared at me for a few minutes, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

    "Wait..." Ronan started. "Did you even talk to him before?"

    "Well, no..." I answered. I didn't need to exchange words with him. The lustful stares we gave each other in class and in the hallways said everything that needed to be said.

    "So you just decided to go out with a guy with whom you've never even said a word to?" Lydia questioned. I didn't answer her. "That's cray-cray!" She, nor Ronan, understood this love between me and Gorden. No one understood our passion. But I didn't care; all I cared about was my new romance with Gorden Perlman.

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