Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to poplar trees

    "So have you guys seen Benny's older brother?" Ronan asked shyly, taking a sip of lavender bubble tea. She cringed at the taste of the bland, unsweetened drink, but continued sipping it, only because she paid five dollars for it. "He's so...he's really—"

    "—disgusting!" I interrupted, flipping my hair back and simultaneously rolling my male-penetrating eyes. We were at the local bubble tea shop, discussing our eventful career day, including Benny's brother, Chase. "He raped my face with his stupid cocaine! God, when I saw him riding his motorcycle, I thought he was cool," Ronan looked horribly offended.

    "I think he's cool," She whispered darkly to herself, taking a long sip of her gross lavender bubble tea, which was, in fact, not colored a soft purple as lavender should be, but rather an unappetizing shade of light brown.

    Lydia widened her eyes at Ronan, and Kigurl sighed, rolling her eyes. She then turned to me with a wicked grin on her face, and I knew immediately what she was thinking about. I blushed, thinking about the one and only guy I need in my life—Hyundai Beck.

    "Gurl, I know you thinking about that sweaty D!" Kigurl exclaimed, causing the table of Hempstead High School seniors beside us to look mortified, as if they saw our principal naked and taking a shower in the girl's locker room. "You wanna ride him like the car he is! You wanna get—"

    "Oh, my God, is that him?" Lydia butted in, playing around with the straw of her bubble tea drink. "That is him! And...Benny?"

    We all turned towards the front door, where the two boys had just entered through. The afternoon sun shone behind Hyundai, creating a mystifying, glowing aura around him, and illuminating the sweat seeping out of his pores. He was panting heavily, and his wet clothes stuck of his skin and outlined every crevice of his toned body. He is so hot, I thought, my mouth hanging open at his sheer gorgeousness.

    "How is he even dripping in sweat?" Lydia inquired. "It's less than fifty degrees outside!"

    "He saw Mumu and got hot," Ronan attempted to joke. Although it made Lydia and Kigurl snicker, I saw it as no joke. It was the real thing. He got me hot just as I did to him. It was mutual. It was love. We were destined to be.

    Surprisingly, it wasn't Hyundai who began walking towards me, but rather an angry Benny.

    "Ayo, I heard you was disrespectin' big bro!" He babbled, his blond mop shaking as he spoke. How was he related to Chase? I mean, Chase was hot, and he resembled a typical suburban skater boy. "Do you know how much chedda foo foo powder costs? How hard big bro busted to—"

    "Hey, Benny, cool it." I looked up at suave Hyundai, who was creating a pool of sweat where he stood. We gazed into each other's eyes, and I envisioned us making out on my bed, under the watchful eye of Hugh Hefner. I knew it would happen soon; I was sure of it.

    "Nah, bro, she lucky he was soarin' high. If he was sober, he woulda cut her!" He stomped off, his shoulders hunched as he mumbled curses and other unintelligible words.

    "You know what I don't understand? Sometimes Benny speaks normally, while other times he just goes ghetto. Do you think Chase does that?"

    "Probably. Maybe it runs in the fam—"

    "Hi, Hyundai," I breathed out, tuning out what my friends were discussing. "Thanks for saving me...a second time...from a Gryzbowski. It means a lot."

    "No problem. They're a troublesome bunch." He pulled up a chair from another table and shoved it between me and Kigurl, causing her to shoot a deathly glare to my new beau. She looked as if she wanted to run her bubble tea straw right through his heart that belonged to me. "Hey Mumu, can I ask you something?"

    "Anything," I responded dreamily, taking a long, seductive sip of my curry-infused bubble tea. One of the workers began mopping up the path Hyundai took to get to our table, muttering about sex-crazed kids. He didn't understand that our love was real, realer than their overpriced bubble tea.

    "Will you be my girlfriend?"

    "What the fuck?!" Kigurl exclaimed. "Boy, you just met her today, you walking showerhead!" I glared at Kigurl for interrupting, and then gazed over at Lydia and Ronan, both of whom were in shock.

    I turned back to Hyundai. His sweat had poured onto our table, and began streaming down like a surreal and tranquil waterfall deep within the Amazon, and I was riding down it. I smiled.

    "Of course I will! I love you, Hyundai Beck." And that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

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