Chapter 8

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    "Mumu, someone's here for you!" My sister's flirtatious voice called out from the front of the house. "And he's a cutie pie!" Oh my God. I jumped out the couch and irately turned off Switched At Birth. I didn't want to stop watching my TV shows, but Gorden was more important. My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour as I strode to the door, and there he was, with his brown mop gelled back, and a bouquet of carnations in his hand. His face lit up when he saw me, and I just wanted to go over to him and kiss him devotedly, but I couldn't, not with my sister right there and my parents around the corner. Maybe during the course of the evening I could sneak him into my bedroom...

    "Oh, is this the lovely Gorden Perlman that I just recently heard about?" My dad immediately commented when we entered the kitchen. The redolent ginger eggplant curry and roasted chicken filled my nostrils and sent shivers through my body. My mouth began watering when I thought about the ambrosial dishes that my parents cooked up for tonight. I would cherish every bite, because I knew the only reason they were going all out on dinner was because we were having guests over.

    "Uh...yeah, hey," Gorden awkwardly greeted, guffawing to himself. My mother looked sort of taken aback by his instantaneous awkwardness; I had confided to her that he may be a little gawky at times, but she didn't expect him to be this dorky already. "It smells really good here," He remarked, inhaling the fragrance of our kitchen.

    "Dinner will be ready shortly," Dad told him. "Come, come! Sit in the living room and we'll talk a bit!" So my father, Gorden, and I sat down in the living room and talked for a while. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything humiliating. The two men talked about me, school, Gorden's family, and so forth. Even Candy stopped by and greeted herself. I thought he would be entranced by her beauty, but he rarely took his eyes off me, much to my delight.

    The three of us chattered avidly, until the doorbell rang once again, indicating that the other guests, my dad's friend and his family, had arrived.

    "Mumu, go get the door," My dad commanded. "We're discussing cumin-scented pillows here." I groaned as I slumped towards the front door. Before I let them in, I took a deep breath and composed myself. Then, I unlocked the door, and I found Andre D'Stefan staring me right in the face.


    "...Andre?" I croaked out. There he was, a lanky boy in electric blue skinny jeans and a fur coat, standing between whom I presume are his parents, his father resembling an attractive and collected business men, and his mother appearing very model-like, with a lithe figure.

    "What's up, bitches?" Andre strutted into our house, taking off his heavy fur coat and throwing it over the railing of the staircase in one swift move. "Ugh, what is that amazing smell? It's making me horny." Andre? The Andre D'Stefan? Was in my house? My mind was spinning and my heart was beating crazily again for the second time this hour. When was the first time? Oh yeah...when Gorden first showed up. Oh no, this wasn't supposed to happen! Who would've expected it to happen? What was I gonna do?

    "Aah, my friend!" My dad bellowed, hurrying towards Andre's father to give him a hearty man-hug. They both laughed cordially, and my dad introduced me to the D'Stefan family. I greeted Mr. and Mrs. D'Stefan with a smile, but I couldn't take my eyes off Andre. Who would've expected him to show up at my house? My body couldn't handle him being here; I just wanted to rip his clothes off and kiss him everywhere...but then there was Gorden.

    "You guys showed up at the right time. Dinner seems to be ready, so come along!" My dad lead the D'Stefans to the dining room, where my mom, Candy, and Gorden were already seated. When he saw Andre, his face went pale; it was as white as the crushed Altoids Benny had been snorting a few days ago during lunch. I blushed, whispering an "I'm sorry" to Gorden, because he had to deal with another kid from school here. To be honest, I wasn't that sorry. I wanted to be in Andre's tantalizing presence.


    After introductions between my family, the D'Stefans, and Gorden were made, we began dinner. I sat between Candy and Gorden, right across from Andre. It was the most uncomfortable seating arrangement ever, but hey, at least I got to stare at Andre's dazzling, unblemished face. Gorden often put his hand on my leg and held my hand, signaling to me that I was taken by him, but I couldn't resist looking at Andre. I couldn't tell if he noticed my attraction to him; he seemed more attracted to the food than me.

    "Ugh, this chicken is so foodgasm-worthy!" He complimented, moaning in gratification. His comments perplexed my mom; she wasn't used to this "new and hip lingo". Nonetheless, she appreciated it. She mostly talked to Candy and Mrs. D'Stefan, whereas my dad talked to Mr. D'Stefan. I was left to converse with Andre and Gorden, but I found it impossible to even utter a simple word. Gorden  silently gnawed on his food, making uncomfortable slurping sounds in between each bite. Andre was texting someone furiously, and when he caught both me and Gorden staring at him, he simply answered, "It's my luscious Ben-Ben."

    During the dinner, I contemplated the two men in my life right now. There was Gorden, dorky but hot Gorden, who was a total sweetheart. But then there was Andre, the biggest bad boy I had come across, who totally worth everything, and I mean everything. Instead of just experimenting with him, I wanted to actually go out with him. I wanted to be his girlfriend, be the girl who holds his hand in the hallways of school and be the girl he swaps spit with between classes, only to get yelled at by passersby. But I couldn't just leave Gorden behind. He was so fragile, like a marshmallow, and I couldn't bear seeing him with a broken heart.

    "Hey," Gorden called out to me. "What's wrong, babe?" His baby face made my heart melt. How could I give up on him?

    "Uhm...nothing," I answered, faking a smile. I turned to my plate, picking it with my fork. Nothing is right, Gorden, I thought to myself. Nothing is right at all.

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