Chapter 4

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    By the second week of high school, Gorden and I were one of the hottest couples in Hempstead High School. In every class, people would ask me about our relationship. How did we meet? Where did we go for our first date? Why were we going out after only knowing each other for a week? I gave everyone terse answers, hoping to keep our everlasting romance mysterious to the student body.


    One afternoon, Gorden and I were passionately kissing each other at my locker, and I felt like I was in a blissful dream world, where we were the rulers, and everything was perfect. But my fantasy was ruined by the loud and detestable voices all around us.

    "OOOOH BABY SMACK THOSE LIPS!" I could hear Lydia call behind me. She was more than a tad obnoxious, I had come to learn; she took any chance she got to scream at the top of her lungs no matter where she was and who was watching. It was almost like she was on crack 24/7. Jesus, what if she was?

    "Gurl, move before I cut both yo' asses," A sassy voice yelled out to us. It was Kigurl's voice. She was the grade's ghettoest girl, except you wouldn't think she was ghetto because she looked normal enough; but when you talked to her, you can tell she was full of chutzpah, as Gorden would say.

    "Alright, I can't deal with this anymore. I need to get to my locker," I heard Ronan mumble under her breath. Through one ear, I could hear Gorden whisper sweet compliments to me, and through another, I could hear my friends complaining. I tried to tune them out, but it was difficult to do so. "EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME!" Suddenly, Ronan shoved her way between me and Gorden, pushing us apart. Gorden stepped back, a look of surprise on his face. Immediately, the people whose lockers we were blocking rushed to their own spots, continuing on as if they had done nothing wrong. But they did; they broke apart our lovely time, a time that we might never get back again. I sighed in defeat.

    "Oookay..." Gorden started, obviously awkwarded out. "So, am I ever gonna meet your parents? I would introduce you to my parents but they're backpacking across the Alps right now." I loved how adventurous the Perlmans sounded. My family was so boring and uncool, except for my older sister, Candy, who is a full-time...prostitute. "So, how about it, Mumu? They should be aware of who their beautiful daughter is dating, right?" I blushed like a tomato.

    "Uhm..." Did I really want my parents to meet Gorden? I mean, he was a great guy and all, but they didn't want me to dating boys like him. I knew my parents would be cautious of me if they met him. But sooner or later, they'd have to find out, like when we got married and all. "How about next—"

    I was cut off by the local drug dealer from our locker area, Benny Gryzbowski. He was tall boy with blond hair and bags under his eyes, and he was known for making drugs out of random items you could find in school. His latest drug: crushed-up Kix. Even though one or two people have actually snorted it, Benny was sure that it would be the next drug craze. In fact, as he shoved in between me and Gorden, he was holding a bag of crushed-up Kix.

    "Just crushed these babies up during lunch, made with pure, Benny love. I'll offer you two kissing ducks ten bucks for this bag," He whispered secretively, looking over his shoulder for any teachers walking by. All the teachers knew about his antics; they just didn't care enough to do anything about them.

    We both looked at Benny with disgust. We didn't want drugs, especially from him. Unless he would offer some type of new medication that would make our love grow larger than it already was, we wanted nothing to do with him.

    Gorden and I shooed Benny away, and he scurried over to Lydia and Ronan to offer them his freshly-made Kix, but Kigurl came over and threatened to "whup his slender ass" if he didn't go away, thus causing him to scamper away to another group of friends.

    "Anyways, as I was about next Friday? You come over to our house, and I'll introduce you to my parents," I told Gorden. Friday was in a few days, which gave me enough time to tell my parents and sister about him...and warn them not to embarrass me when he comes over.

    "Great, I'm looking forward to it." He cupped my face in his smooth palms and kissed me on the forehead. "I'm going to my locker, okay? So I'll see you later."

    "Okay JorJor!" I waved good-bye to Gorden as he walked away.

     Even though I was surrounded by peasants at the moment, I felt like a princess whenever Gorden was around. And he was my dorky prince.

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