It's Okay

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The group stared at the door, stunned. Weiss was frozen, shock flooding her veins. She didn't move, she couldn't move. She stood there, unaware of Ruby shaking her arm gently. "Weiss?.....Weiss??? We need to go after her!" Ruby told her, but Weiss didn't move. Ruby went to shake her again, but was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.

"Let her be, Ruby. You and Yang go after Blake." Itachi told his sister. Ruby opened her mouth to argue, but Itachi's look silenced her. Yang looked to Itachi, gaze questioning. Itachi gestured towards Weiss with his right hand. Yang gazed back at Weiss, before nodded in understanding. She grabbed Ruby by the arm, dragging her out of the room, the red cloaked girl protesting all the while. Leaving the Schnee Heiress and the Former Uchiha alone in the silent dorm room.

Itachi's gaze was locked on the door a second longer, but eventually he turned to Weiss, who now was actively shaking. Itachi winced internal at the sight.

'It seems that she has a history with the White Fang. Perhaps more than she let on? I know the Schnee Dust Company has been attacked by the Fang a few times, but I didn't think it was this severe.'

"Weiss, are you okay?" Itachi asked gently, but he already knew the answer. Weiss said nothing, electing instead to stumble over to her bed, collapsing onto it in a huff. She now sit, head in her hands as she shook like a leaf.

The young boy walked over, taking a seat beside the white haired girl. He said nothing at first, just sitting and watching Weiss sit in her bed. It hurt to see her like this, it really did. Over the last month, they had become quite good friends. There shared interest in their studies and general intelligence had allowed them to bond over all sorts of things, like chess, history, or even just talking about different views they had on things. It was the first time that Itachi had felt so close to someone who wasn't in his immediate family since Kisame, and even then they had mostly bonded about their somewhat similar histories, not actual interests themselves. It felt nice to have another friend.

Not like he deserved one.

He was then taken out of his thoughts by the sound of Weiss's cries. Soft sobs escaped her lips as she wept into her hands. Tears escaping through the gaps of her fingers and into her bed sheets.

Itachi hugged Sasuke as he cried, having hurt himself while practicing his Kenjutsu. The young Uchiha sobbed in his brothers hold, burying his head deep into his brothers chest.

"It's alright Ototo, Your big brothers here."

He couldn't bear to her her cries.

He wouldn't bear them.

Without a second thought, he got up from his seat on her bed and slowly wrapped his arms around her. The girl stopped her crying, stunned at the action. She at first tried to push him away, but soon enough just resigned to continue to weep.

"It's going to be okay, Weiss. I'm here for you." Itachi spoke softly to his friend, who said nothing in response. She just continued her sobs, which were growing in volume with each passing second. Itachi just sat there, holding onto Weiss as she cried.

"Weiss, It's okay. Don't worry, I'm here for you." Itachi whispered as she sobbed into his shoulder, her tears staining his uniform.

This continued for a few minutes, until Itachi could make out words mixed in with her tears.

"Why....?" She whimpered. Itachi listened in earnest before asking. "Why what?" Weiss tried to compose her self, managing to silence her cries for a few moments to speak.

"Why...did she have one of them? Weiss whispered softly, before continuing her crying. Itachi sighed softly. If Blake were here she would have admonished Weiss for talking of the Fang with such venom, but Itachi knew there was more to this then met the eye.

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