Chapter 15: No Resistance

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Before the chapter starts I wanna thank my lovely reviewers fangirl_fantasys, bocbocab, Siempie222, Deandra62930, GVCGurl23, randomgeekyness, SkylarLuvsOTPs, Ellinxr, MoonMist55, KittysStories & RuskaC!
Thank you all for the incredible support, please keep it coming! =)

Music tip:
Direct & Labisch - Make A Move (ft. Openwater)

(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 15:
No Resistance

"This is too early for me, how do they expect to get good photos? I'm gonna fall asleep in front of the camera," Quentin complained with a yawn and followed the rest of the team into the large building. The sun had barely risen and everyone seemed to be only half awake, as they were lead through the corridors into a big room.

"Well, at least we had a driver bringing us here!" Jason answered with raised eyebrows and a pleased smile on his lips, while he looked around. Despite the early time a lot of people were already working on setting up the set for the shooting. In the back of the room was a long table with a buffet and various drinks. Beside it stood a grinning Murphy and waved them over.

Naturally Mitch was trailing behind them with Jerome, who was still hesitant to leave him alone.
At the moment he couldn't be more grateful for it.

"Good morning, Team Crafted. I hope you had a pleasant stay in your new home up until now. Is there anything you would like to change?" he asked with a voice that made Mitch want to vomit. With a soft voice Jerome whispered, "His kindness couldn't be more fake. Glad you saved me from the brainwashing."
Mitch tried to stifle a laugh and grinned at his friend, as Murphy began to speak again.

"Great. Now let's get started with the course of the day. At first we will talk with the PR Director of Microsoft, Mrs. Kane, about the public appearance of Team Crafted. Everyone of you will get a special role you should represent in the team and then we will take photos of you, after you have changed your clothes appropriately. Here is something to eat and drink during the day and when we are done, the chauffeur will take you back home."

"Special roles?" Ian asked hesitantly and the rest of the guys didn't look too convinced either. Mitch tried to hide a satisfied smirk and instead raised an eyebrow, as they waited for Murphy's response. "Well, of course! I'm sure my assistant told you about it, when you were discussing the contracts the other day. To be able to make an effective and good publicity, we have to represent a group of very different individuals, which complement each other perfectly in the end."

"That way we can reach every single one out there, the confident one, the shy one, the happy one, and so on," a new voice added to the conversation and an older woman with brown hair appeared at Murphy's side. She wore a dark business suit and held her head high, as she watched the group with an unnerving glance in her cold eyes.
"Allow me to introduce myself, Tonja Kane, PR Director of Microsoft. I am responsible for media relations, social media strategy, crisis management and other stuff you are probably not interested in." Her smile was unsettling for Mitch; he couldn't read her at all. His boss was easy to see through - or was it just because he knew the real Murphy behind all those layers?

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