Chapter 20: No Fear

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Before the chapter starts I wanna thank those lovely people for their reviews: MistyMidnightFoxx, FinalScripts, SkylarLuvsOTPs, fan_fic_forever, EmmoyDino_FTW, KittyBrine, QueenAntonia, GVCGurl23, Siempie_, LynKiin, MaddiesMines, KittysStories, ZamaThePerson!
Love you wonderful peeps! ♥

Music tip:
Krewella – Live for the Night

(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 20:
No Fear

The first difference they noticed was the size of the hall itself, in which the new Minecraft fan event was hosted by Microsoft for the first time ever. It easily was comparable with the one in which the main stage had been during the last Minecon event he had been to a few years ago.

"...then Mitchell and last but not least Adam will follow. Some fans will be lined up at the side, so make sure to..."

Mitch drowned out Murphy's voice and glanced through the partly open door of the small room the team and him were currently in. From what he could see the stage they would go on was on the other side of the room. Countless rows of seats were placed in blocks in front of it and one big aisle in the middle would be their way to the stage later on, when the hall was filled with countless fans.

Right now he couldn't imagine the hall being even half-full, after he had read the comments under his most recent videos. The fans were mad for Microsoft banning Minecraft from other gaming channels and even though most of them cherished the fact that their precious Team Crafted was reunited once more, they weren't willing to accept the unfair ban.
Right now he couldn't see someone coming at all. He wouldn't for a fact.

Another point making him skeptical regarding this event was the fact that Murphy wanted to do something special. Instead of simply walking up to the stage when the welcome speech of Mr. Nadella was over, Murphy wanted them to run down the aisle like fricking rock stars in between the supposed masses of fans.
It was ridiculous, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Alright, get ready, the halls will be opened in a few minutes."
Murphy turned around and left the room in the direction of the stage, where he would watch them like a hawk during the whole procedure. As soon as he had left, Mitch took a deep breath and watched as the others prepared for their so-called big moment. Obviously he wasn't the only one unwilling to go out there in a bit.

Exactly 30 minutes later a member of the staff entered their room and left the door to the hall wide open, before turning of most of the lights to stop the guests from noticing them too early. "You know when to go out?" he asked emotionlessly and barely looked at them, while he stood at the side of the door to keep the stage in sight. Without replying they lined up in front of the door and tried to keep a good glance at the hall, but the lights had been turned off during the announcement of Nadella.

He named the first member of the team.
And suddenly the crowd went wild.

Quentin turned around and winked, as he left the room backwards.
"Let's get started!"

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