Chapter 11: Changes

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Before the chapter starts I wanna thank my wonderful reviewers SwiftKhaos, minecraft_weirdo, bocbocab, Deandra62930, MoonMist55, RuskaC, bloxiegirl123 & Siempie222! You guys are amazing, please keep up all the support! :D

Music tip:
LOLO – Weapon for Saturday
(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 11:

"No. I'm not moving back to LA."

Adam and everyone else fell silent immediately, as Mitch declined the idea of moving back into their old house in Los Angeles. Some were surprised and exchanged clueless glances, while the rest of the newly reunited team looked pissed off. It was understandable – Murphy helped them to keep their jobs, even though Microsoft obviously wasn't keen on having youtubers play their games on the internet. Now they had the chance to revive their memories and their friendship in the house where it all had begun. But Mitch was against it.

Murphy's face was unreadable as he sat down on his chair again.
"And why is that, Mr. Hughes?"

Adam glanced carefully back to Mitch, who had been incredibly pale all the morning. It didn't fit at all to his happy personality and his usually shining hazel eyes, which now had a dirty and dull gleam in them. Something was wrong and Adam was sure that some of the guys had noticed the change as well. They hadn't seen Mitch in a long time, but they still remembered their former friend quite well.
And Adam assumed to know the reason for it. At least parts of it. Again his look went back to Murphy.

"I... I just thought it would be nice to start somewhere new," Mitch slowly began and returned Murphy's stare. "I'm not keen on going back into this big city. Why don't we move somewhere calmer? Like here for example?" The more Mitch explained, the more confident he became and before he continued he looked to everybody around him. "We are nearby the headquarters, but it's not as bad as in LA."

The angry looks disappeared and Ian and Jason actually nodded their approval, but just as they wanted to carry on the conversation, someone knocked on the door and a man only a few years older than Adam himself entered the office. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, Sir. The contracts are ready to sign now."

"So fast?" Ian asked while Adam turned his head back around to watch his new boss. He had a satisfied smile on his face and nodded approvingly toward his secretary. "We already finished the contract a bit earlier due to Mr. Hughes and Mr. Dahlberg. For you we only had to do some minor changes. Why don't you follow Mr. Brice, read and sign the contracts and then we can continue to discuss your future residence."

They all agreed and stood up together – Mitch and Adam as well, to help the others out in case something was unclear.

Of course it took the team a bit to read everything thoroughly and once in a while Mitch, Adam and the secretary Mr. Brice helped them out with complicated passages. About half an hour had passed already and Adam was just helping out Jason, when the chosen part was a problem for him as well. Mr. Brice explained something to Ian and Quentin, so Adam turned around to ask Mitch for help. "Hey, Mitch. Can you tell u-"

Adam interrupted himself and looked around the room, but Mitch had disappeared.
Jerome and Ryan were talking quietly to each other in a corner of the small room, but both looked up as Adam was calling for them. "Did you see Mitch?"

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