Chapter 4: No Idea

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Before the chapter starts I'd like to thank my wonderful reviewers daisyroxsox, minecraft_weirdo, bloxiegirl123, MoonMist55, XxRainbowRosesxX, HxppyLxttleMC & RuskaC!

Music tip:
Imagine Dragons - Warriors

(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 4:
No Idea

The sun had set a few hours ago and the later it became, the less cars were on the highway. Some time ago Mitch had been fed up with the silence and had put in a random CD. The beat was pulsing through his body, from the fingertips on the steering wheel to his feet on the accelerator pedal. His muscles were completely stiff, because he had not taken a single stop so far – not that he wanted to anyway.

Mitch feared that the second he began to think about everything he would end up breaking down.
Of course he had made a mistake.
He was doomed already. No one would forgive him ever, because he kept on doing the same mistakes over and over again.

Abruptly he turned the music a bit louder.
Don't think about it, he thought for the hundredth time and tried to ignore the fact that his mobile phone on the passenger seat rang again. A short glance onto the display showed him the name of his mother. She was probably worried sick because of Mitch's abrupt departure and his cruel words, but he had no choice. Mr. Murphy had made himself very clear regarding this matter.

The ringing stopped and Mitch tried to concentrate on the music and the road again. A sudden accident will help no one, he told himself and even believed it for a short second. Then the doubts came back and hit him with full strength.
Before Mitch could get any stupid ideas, the phone began to ring again. In that moment he was so thankful to be disturbed that he actually grabbed it and answered the call. "What?"
His voice cracked and with his other free hand he turned the volume down to understand the other person. Maybe it was Mr. Murphy again. Mitch had no intentions to annoy him more than he already did. "Hello?"

It was neither Mr. Murphy, nor his mother. Actually he was quite surprised, as he forced out a low "Jerome?"

"God, finally! We were starting to get worried. Why haven't you replied to anything? The world's going down, man!"
He sounded pretty upset. Mitch didn't need to ask what he was talking about. There was nothing else going on at the moment that was as important as the Microsoft affair. Instead he focused on something else. "I know. Who is we?" Jerome remained silent for a moment. Then he replied, but with a more excited voice than before.

"You won't believe it, Mitch. Right now I'm in a Skype call with Ian, Ryan, Ty and the guys. I mean nearly all of them. Crazy, right? At the beginning it was just Ty, Adam and me, but-"
Mitch's heart stopped.
Immediately he hit the brake.

The tires were screaming, the car nearly careered out of control and Mitch already saw the earlier thought become reality. Thankfully he was all alone on the road due to the time and the road was dry. Jerome had interrupted himself as soon as Mitch had begun to stop the car. Now, after all the noise had disappeared again, he cried out with pure worry, "Oh my- Shit, are you alright, Mitch?! Are you in your car? Did you have an accident? Mitch?!"

Before he could alert the National Guard, Mitch quickly interrupted him.
"I'm alright, sorry, everything's fine. Yes, I'm in my car. No, I didn't have an accident. Now what was that about A-"
Jerome didn't even listen anymore. As soon as he had heard that Mitch was alright, he repeated Mitch's words. His voice sounded a bit further away; he was probably talking to the guys right now. Had Jerome put him on the speaker? For sure.. A bit later his voice was louder again.

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