Chapter 21: No Deference

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AN: Before the chapter starts I wanna thank those amazing people who took their time to leave me a comment: HyperGirl207, ZamaThePerson, Sup3rFruitler, fan_fic_forever, EmmoyDino_FTW, MistyMidnightFoxx, GVCGurl23, QueenAntonia, Siempie_, MaddiesMines, FinalScripts & KittyBrine!
You people are da best!! ♥♥

Music tip:
Elin Bergman - Gasoline Dream
(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 21:
No Deference

"Mitch, you should really get up now, it's already past 2. I thought you wanted to record with us later."

His head was pounding painfully, as he slowly raised his head out of his big pillow. The bright sunlight was making him squint his eyes and with a moan he let himself fall onto his cozy bed again.
"Yes I do, just returned at 6 though. Give me a few minutes," he answered Jason with a raspy voice and closed his eyes again. Contrary to his assumption though his companion didn't leave him alone and instead knelt down at the side of his bed. With a clearing of his throat he continued their little conversation, even though Mitch must have looked anything but motivated.

"You were completely wasted when you returned, weren't you?"

"...kinda. Sorry if I woke you up," he muttered and didn't bother to keep his sleepy eyes open during his half-hearted reply. Jason though didn't seem to mind and laughed, "Not me but Quentin actually. He was quite mad at you."
"Then I have to apologize to him later. You finished now?" Mitch sighed and felt sorry for being rude, but his head was pounding way too much for him to really care about it at the moment.

"Not quite yet. What is wrong, Mitch?"

And all of a sudden his eyes were wide open out of surprise. How could he possibly know? Did Jerome tell him? Had Jason heard them talking about it? Thankfully he didn't notice Mitch's panic and continued with a too serious tone in his voice that didn't want to fit him.

"We all like a party once in a while, but you never were the kind of person to behave like... this. You're way too reasonable for that and I can't get my head around what changed you so drastically."

It was silent for a second, then Mitch found his voice again and tried to reply as steady as possible, "People change over time, Jason."

"Not like this though, Mitch. At first we were quite happy that you had stopped being so gloomy and withdrawn all of the time, but this is not how me met you back then either."
And suddenly they were wading into a state of mind that Mitch had desperately tried to leave behind all those months ago. Jason wasn't going to talk to him about Murphy and Mitch's current problems at all.

"Things happened, you can't expect me to stay the same after that."
Both knew what he was hinting at, but apparently Jason wasn't willing to talk about it directly either, so they carefully danced around the precarious topic. Naming it wasn't necessary.
"I know, but so much time has passed. Don't you think we should just try to move on? I mean, even Adam forgave you, so it would be only fair of you to forgive him for-"

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