Chapter 7: Steps

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Before the chapter starts I want to thank my dear reviewers XxRainbowRosesxX, RuskaC & MoonMist55!

Music tip:
Lana del Rey – Dark Paradise

(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 7:

Adam wanted to be angry at Mitch.
During their way to the parking lot and the first minutes back at his house he had succeeded, but as he went to his room to get another blanket for Mitch, everything he had left behind hit him at full strength.

Their break-up.
The betrayal.

The emotions he had carefully buried deep inside of himself came back to the surface, as he threw a glance at one of their pictures still occupying the nightstand. For a moment he forgot Mitch in the other room and sat down on the edge of the large bed he had once shared with her. Deep inside he knew that it had been the right decision, but above this knowledge was a thick layer of love that just didn't want to disappear. Of course he could forget neither their feelings for each other, nor their wonderful memories.

But her betrayal had hurt too much.
It was like Dawn all over again.

Over time he would heal for sure. He needed some distance, a few days to collect his thoughts and to calm down. But now Mitch of all people had to stay with him. Not only that – his only chance to keep his current job and to continue his passion was a reunion of Team Crafted. It was his only chance. He had to pull through, even though the topic about Mitch...

The blanket. Right.
He almost forgot.

With a sigh he stood up again, grabbed the photo of Alesa and him, picked up a large blanket and went back. On the way to the living room he threw the picture in the bin without looking back once. She wasn't worth it, he tried to tell himself. But where to go with all the sadness? How could he get his usually cheerful behavior back again? Every single time it became harder and harder.

Mitch stood in the living room and was admiring the furnishing.
"Here you go," he said with a neutral tone in his voice and Adam was nearly as surprised about it as Mitch was. He quickly turned around and flinched, his eyes wide and even scared. If Adam wouldn't have been so sad, he would have ignored it due to his anger. Now he could scrutinize him a bit longer, a bit more precisely.
Adam hadn't seen his former friend in months, but nonetheless he saw the haunted look in his eyes, the mistrust and the fear. A second later it was gone and with a careful smile on his face he took the blanket. "Thank you. I don't want to be rude, but can I maybe-"
Mitch slowly looked at the furnace and for a short moment Adam felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips. "Sure, use it. You'll find the wood outside."

Adam cursed himself in his thoughts.
His tone gave it away clearly.

Mitch stopped his movement and slowly turned around to look at Adam longer than before. He had heard it in the certain tone of his voice. After the anger was gone, all that was left was his sadness. His guest took a second to think twice, before he asked carefully, "Are you okay?" He didn't move and looked very sincere, but Adam knew better. He had to remind himself how this guy in front of him really thought of his supposedly friends. His nice attitude had fooled them once before and got them to make a horrible decision. Adam would never do the same mistake twice. His stare turned frosty.

"See you later I guess."

"...Good night."

Mitch sounded disappointed, as Adam turned around and left the living room without another word. The hate that had been replaced by his sadness slowly bubbled up again and he embraced it dearly. With the help of the photo in the bin, which he passed on his way to the bedroom, the anger became stronger and satisfied about the more appealing emotions Adam went to bed.
This night he didn't get any restful sleep at all.

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