Chapter 19: No Backdown

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Before the chapter starts, I wanna thank those awesome people who left me a nice comment for the last chapter: MaddiesMinesrandom-pinkRuskaCLynKiinKittysStoriesGVCGurl23ZamaThePerson, KittyBrine, FlyingDiscoKittyfan_fic_foreverEmmoyDino_FTWPrincessLyoka, Z_mk_n & Siempie_.

Music tip:
Guy Sebastian - Beg

(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 19:
No Backdown

It was easy.
Every step he took, every smile he forced onto his face, every happy wave of his trembling hand.
It was easy to revert back to his old ways.

And no one noticed anything.
Mitch felt relegated to the times after the breakup of Team Crafted. The thought of admitting his mistake, to show his hurt feelings and the self-loathing for destroying what he and his friends had tried to protect so dearly had been unfeasible for him back then. And so he had started to pretend to be the usual carefree guy, who didn't give a crap about the dark side of his past and how all of it affected those around him.

He felt safe and secure behind the wall he had built inside of his troubled mind and it was too easy to hide from Murphy, his uncontrollable schemes and the fear. It was better this way, wasn't it? To fight against the evil in the form of their now official mentor would only get him into even more trouble. He couldn't risk his family's wellbeing and Jerome's, because Mitch wasn't sure what Murphy would be capable of once he learned of his best friend knowing everything.

It was a risk he wasn't willing to take at the moment.
To hell with all the worries and tears and the desperation. He was sick of it and pretending to be alright was helping him to ignore what was wrong as well.

"Are you feeling any better?"
A soft voice to his left brought Mitch back to reality and with a frown on his face he looked to his left. Jerome was sitting on the unoccupied seat of the private airplane, with which they were brought to the first official event about Minecraft after Microsoft had taken over. Mitch had put his feet up on the opposite seat in the luxury interior of the plane, because originally the young Canadian had planned on getting some sleep after the take-off in LA this morning.

His mind had kept him from doing so due to the gloomy thoughts, which had returned with full force after he had realized what had happened the night before. Mitch had kissed Adam. Multiple times. How in the world had he allowed himself doing something so stupid?! Some romantic emotions with Adam of all people was the last thing he needed to deal with. For the nth times he cursed the strong impact alcohol had on him and then slightly raised the dark sunglasses with his left hand to look at the waiting American.

"Still like shit."

"You want some pills for the headache?"

"Nah, those aren't that bad. I'm just feeling sick all the time. Being in a plane doesn't really help," he replied quietly and tried to smile, because he was thankful for Jerome still being worried about him, even though he had tried to stop the hardheaded Canadian from drinking too much.

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