Chapter 22: No Help

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AN: Before the chapter starts I wanna thank those amazing people here for leaving me feedback to the story: GeorgeTheUnigiraffe, FinalScripts, HyperGirl207, fan_fic_forever, ZamaThePerson, GVCGurl23, KittyBrine, Siempie_, EmmoyDino_FTW, QueenAntonia & MistyMidnightFoxx!

Music tip:
Hozier - Take Me To Church

(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 22:
No Help

"I'm done with you, Mitchell. Time to finally face your consequences."
It was Murphy.

It took Mitch a minute to realize what was happening, but as the cold air of the night hit him on their way to the black sedan, he froze. His plan had backfired. Jerome had been right all along.
Mitch was completely ruined, because whatever Murphy was going to do with him-

What was he going to do?

The older man pulled him relentlessly towards the car and practically threw him onto the backseat. Before Mitch had the chance to climb out again in his panicked state of mind, the door was closed by Murphy and then locked thanks to the driver.
"Let me out!" he screamed at the foreign person sitting in the driver's seat, but he didn't even blink at his desperate plea. Then Murphy sat down in the front of the car and a second later they were driving off into the night of LA.

"Where are we going?!"
No one answered him.

Again and again he tried to get a reply with a shaking voice and a clear mind, as if the alcohol had been suppressed by the adrenalin and the fear. He had to get help, because who could say what Murphy was capable of?! The only thing roaming around in his head was the last time he had been threatened by him physically shortly before the photo shooting. Now things were even worse and Murphy's rage was palpable in the marooned interior of the car.

With trembling fingers he pulled out his phone and more than once glanced up to make sure that neither the driver nor his boss took notice of the bright screen. Whom to write?! His family? No, someone who was close by, a friend, one of the guys, but whom- Jerome.
Multiple times he began his short message but deleted it shortly after, because his shaking hands missed the right letters most of the time. What should he write anyway? Where would they go? Would Jerome notice the message or was he already asleep? ...should he write someone else as well? Just in case?

The car left the bright city behind and darkness surrounded them, as they drove off into the unknown. His heart beat painfully against his chest and finally Mitch managed to write a short message about his situation, telling them about his currently unidentified position.
He hit the send button. Jerome. And Adam.

Then the car pulled over at a small parking area and just as Mitch had put his phone back into the pocket of his jeans, Murphy tore the door open and pulled him roughly out of the car. Mitch barely stumbled to his feet, Murphy smashed the door close behind him and then tore the frightened boy with him over the abandoned and dark parking lot, until they had reached the other side of it.

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