Chapter 26: No Solitude

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AN: Before the chapter starts I wanna thank those lovely people here for leaving me some feedback: zaloumi,CrazyGirly1, KittyBrine, EmmoyDino_FTW, Dragonixx, Raven_Foxx, Siempie_, killerRainbow04, Skyenja-Is-Life, EndieplaysMC, endagirl, PurpleYoshi_24_Apple, aerlith_, LynKiin, Kittycrazy4bella & Kanue__Reads__!
A very special thank you will go to AmericanSoulKeeper and FinalScripts for reviewing and recognizing me yesterday in the YouTube comment section and making my day! <3 Much love guys!

Music tip:
Madonna - Ghosttown
(look at the beginning of the chapter!)

Lovers of Freedom

Chapter 26:
No Solitude

All he remembered at first was pain.
He couldn't feel his body nor his skin, all he was able to sense was the excruciating pain that overwhelmed him the closer he got to what simply felt right. Sometimes it was a voice and even though he couldn't make out the words uttered to him, he still felt a warmth spread beside the pain. Sometimes it was just the feeling of intimacy, of love and some familiarity he couldn't name.

He knew his name.
He knew his profession.
He knew his friends and his family.

Something felt wrong though, because he wasn't supposed to be here, was he?
It felt foreign and cold and frightening, when he had the chance to think about something else beside the pain, when it was miraculously gone and he could feel a reassuringly pressure.

The first thing he noticed other than that were three words.

"I love you."
The voice was rough and shaking and he couldn't name whom it belonged to, but unexpected feelings flared up and shoved him towards those blissful words, until suddenly there were a million things at once drowning him.

A white light burned down onto him, when he successfully managed to force open his eyes. Loud noises made his ears ring, there were voices and a rapidly beeping sound he couldn't identify. Someone grabbed his hand tightly, then there were hands on his face holding him down, cold, so much colder than the other pair he clung to.

Where the heck was he?
What was the noise and why couldn't they just shut up and had to keep shouting, when all he wanted was to have his peace for a little bit?

He tried to say something, anything to make them stop and turn the beeping off, but somehow his words were blocked by something unnatural in his throat and suddenly the panic returned with full force.
Nothing was making sense, he couldn't breathe and who were all those people and he still couldn't breathe...

The shadow to his right holding his hand moved and came closer, while he was consumed by fear.

"Mitch, babe, you need to calm down!"
The cold hands on his face disappeared, instead the warm ones from before were carefully placed on his cheeks, while the shadow leaned closer and blocked the bright lights from hurting his eyes.

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