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I heard the faint sound of children of all ages, I looked down my bloodied school uniform.

I couldn't help but think that.. Something was up... Someone was after them.

I sigh and look up at Roger.

"We're almost there, don't worry miss y/n."

He took me to an outdoor area, that had children from younger kids to teenagers hanging about.

My soft h/c hair blew slightly in the wind.

I knew I wouldn't like it here, not without mom and dad.

Roger looked at me and gave me a soft smile.

"Go mingle... I'll put your stuff away"

I sigh and just slump down on a wall, letting my school uniform skirt touch the dirt.

I closed my eyes and rested until two shadows covered the light from the sun.

"Ch.. Who're you?" A blonde teen, just a year older then me spoke out, as a brown haired male stood behind him.

"Nobody to your concern..." I said montonely sounding softly and stood up, keeping my hands in front of me, and folding them together neatly.

"Alright h/c, what's your name!?" The brunette male said.

(For example if your hair is brown, use brunette, if your hair is blonde, use blondy, if you hair is black, say raven-)

"Y/n." I said my face looking down, I didn't dare look them in the eye, I wasn't brave enough for that.

"And why're you here?" I paused and Roger cut ahead.

"The same reason every other kid is here at whammy's orphanage, y/n's parents died a gruesome death."

Roger interjected, and I felt my tears forming again.

I closed my eyes trying to conceal myself, Roger wiped my eye, causing me to finally start crying slowly.

"It is okay to cry, y/n." Roger pats my shoulder.


Just like that, I ended up In my new room unpacking bags.

"life note"  whammy boys x F readerWhere stories live. Discover now