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the orphanage had two stories... luckily for y/n l/n, her room was on the first story...

you open the window slipping out of the orphanage and into the night.

"moriko..help me find kira." you said in a sinister voice..

moriko stays silent, she has no intention in stopping kira... nothing that happens in this human world is important to her anymore.

(back to I)

I ran down the streets until I couldn't see the orphanage any more, I ran until my feet hurt..

it was now close to sunrise, they'd find out I was missing soon, so I need to run.

y/n imagine wherever you run to mom and dad are at the finish line.

I put one foot in front of the other, catching speed by the second.

I had messy hair and dirty clothes, from falling in some dirt when akari and her whore house of freinds decided to be bitches to me.

my pace quickened as I saw a neighborhood, I had ran far.

I ran and saw one house that caught my eye, nothing special about the house but I noticed the lights were on meaning someone was inside.

I ran up to the door, and I knocked slightly.

a woman answered the door.

"hello m-miss... is there a chance I c-could come inside..?" she noticed how I looked and smiled softly.

"of course dear, let me make some tea I'll get my daughter to run you a bath, and my son to find you some fresh clothing." she states.

she welcomes me in, and moriko seems unsettled for some reason.

"LIGHT, SAYU, COME DOWN STAIRS!" two brunettes are now downstairs.

"this young lady will be staying here for a bit." she says smiling softly.

"I'm (fake name)." I say looking up at the boy who looks 17-18.

"light.." then the other girl pitched in.

"and I'm sayu! I'll go run you a bath!" she laughed and ran to the bathroom.

"soooo.... tell us a little about yourself (fake name)" light said, I don't think he actually cared but that didn't bother me.

"well... im fourteen turning fifteen in six months... my parents are gone, and Im neutral in the kira situation."

I knew saying the last bit would coax everyone, kira is a tough subject between youth..

"neutral?" light asked, that raised my suspicion on him.

"im not an ally nor an enemy of kira." I stated.

that isn't true, kira can die in cold blood for all I care.

sayu came back and led me to the bathroom.

I smiled as she left.

I slipped off my white hoodie and my dark blue jeans.

I slipped off my underwear and unclipped my laced bralette.

I dipped my foot in the warm soapy water, I then slithered down into the bathtub, my whole body submerging in water.

I sighed and smiled to myself, I was going to make the most out of my run.

I was certain I would.

"life note"  whammy boys x F readerWhere stories live. Discover now