when you meet: Mikey

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You were riding your roller blades at the skate park with your dog. Your mom said to take him for a walk before she left for a business trip to Japan. You almost forgot to walk him and it's 9:49 pm ! Good thing the trip is for a week. She put a wrist band on the dog so it can count the steps. If there's not 10,000 steps or higher she will ground you for a month.  You were skating backwards keeping a good eye on your dog. You started doing spins and jumps on the obstacles. All of a sudden you here dog noises. You looked behind you and saw something kneeling down next to your dog! This taking your attention away, you smashed into the wall and fell backwards. " Oh my gosh you ok dude!?!" You here some one say. Before you can say anything, the stranger picks you up and helps you stand. "Yeah thanks." Then you looked up and saw a Giant. Green. Mutant. TURTLE. You looked at him with shock. "I know. I know I'm a freak go ahead and run while screaming." He said sadly. "DUDE YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!" You said. "Really?" He asked with a HUGE smile on his face. "Shell yeah!" You said." I'm Y/n." You said holding out your hand. "Mikey." He said shaking your hand. You dog came between the both of you and started to whine. You picked him up and put on his mini sweater. "And this little is D/N."( dog name) you said. Mikey pet D/n. You both chatted and skated together. You looked at your watch and saw the time it was 1:17 am! " Oh gosh I have to go!" You said. "Aww! Ok bye Y/n!" He said. You were about to leave with your dog but turned around and gave Mikey a note." Here have this." You said then left for home. Mikey opens the note and read ' xxx-xxxx-xxx call me sometime ;) - Y/n' he squealed with joy. He rode his skateboard home and ran to his room. He bolted for the phone and Added you to his contacts.

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