When he plays with your hair: Leo

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You came back form school tired. you walked in your room and threw you backpack on the ground. you fell on the bed and started to sleep ignoring hunger in your belly. Leo came to your fire escape and saw you sleeping. he wanted to do something for you so he opened the window and locked the door. he went to your desk and took out your hair brush. you woke up due to the tugging on your hair, which made you groan. " knock knock." leo said. you smiled because he was here. " whos there?" you asked. " interrupting cow." " interru-" " MOOOOOOOO!" he said cutting you off. his little joke made you giggle a lot. Leo let go of your hair and gave you a mirror. " a little gift from me." he said. you look into the mirror and saw that your hair was in a french braid. "Leo this is beautiful! how did you learn how to do this?" you asked still looking at your hair. " April taught me." he said. then you hugged him . " Thank you leo." you said.

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