When you meet: Donnie

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You were running as fast as you can threw the night city. You darted for a corner to lose 'them'. Bad choice. It was a dead end. "Well. Well. Well. Looks like your stuck." You turned around and saw Maggie, with 2 other girls on each side of her. Emma and kendy. ( sorry if these are your names ). You backed away until your back hit the wall. They started beating you up and started laughing at you. "You think YOUR smart enough to enter the science fair?" Kendy said then kicked your stomach. They hurt you so bad you stared coughing up blood. Then you Saw a wooden stick trip all of them, then you saw a tranquilizer dart hit their arms, and they passed out. "Whoa. W-who's th-there?" You asked scared. "It's ok I'm not gonna hurt cha." Said a warm kind voice. "May I s-see you?" You asked shyly. "I don't know you would probably freak out and run away like everyone else." He said sadly. This hurt you a little. "I won't I swear." You said hoping the man would come out. You heard a small sigh and footsteps approaching.

Next thing you know BOOM!! You see a Giant mutant turtle. " whoa....you look....AMAZING!!!" You got up and was about to walk to him , so you can see his weapons, but your ankle was twisted, you fell but luckily the giant turtle man caught you. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Just twisted ankle. " You said holding on to him. "Here ill take you home." He said, then jumped on the rooftops. You have him directions to your apartment. Once you got there you opened the window and he helped you to your bed. "Ill help you get fixed up...are your parents home?" He asked. "No there at work they don't come until 3am." You replied to him. He left your room and came back with some meds." Oh you really don't have to I can do it myself." You said not wanting to waste his time." It's ok ill get you fixed in two shakes of a turtles tail." He said then started to patch you up. "Thank you.... for saving me back there." You said looking down. " no problem. "He said then smiled at you showing the adorable gap in his teeth. "Well I'm done....Here...um"  "Y/n "you said then shook his hand. "Donnie." He said. "I gotta go but... here's my number.....ya know.. just in case." He said then left. You held the paper close and went to bed.

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